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Unexpected Joy
Cacti - T. pachanoi
Citation:   midnights journey. "Unexpected Joy: An Experience with Cacti - T. pachanoi (exp34437)". May 3, 2018.

5 in oral Cacti - T. pachanoi (plant material)
I have been studying san pedro for a while and have bought my own to cultivate and try. It is until recently that I decided to touch what it can give to me.

My father a landscaper collects unwanted cacti from his clients to give to me, (I love the desert scene). Little had I known, the next one was to be an 8 foot, 6 branched san pedro, and a 5 foot 5 branched san pedro. Equaling 60 total feet of cacti. Seeing as this was a very good omen, my intellectual buddy and I decided to celebrate and try a bit.

So I cut a 10 inch piece off. Not too big. And we take off the spikes then wash the cacti. We split it in half and work our way to eating about half of the skin on each piece. (not much at all). We didnt want to go into a full trip so we thought we'd make sure it works.

At about 230pm we ingested. We focused our inner thoughts and feelings to use the cacti the best we can. 245pm we head inside the house and sit for a while. Nothing. 3pm my father comes over and talks for a bit. Then he leaves at some time and my friend and I take a short nap before I go to school and take him home.

As I am almost asleep, I see a spiraling path infront of my 6th chakra area. I'm not sure what kind of trail this was, but I began to follow it, and sounds of all sorts were created. And all kinds of music. About 30 minutes later we drive off not really feeling anything. As we're on the road, I feel an extreme sense of joy, and excuisit interest in the music. Everything was so positive....I thought 'is this part of pedro?'...

I explain my joy to my friend and he feels the same.
I get to school and the people are so beautiful! Their eyes! Amazing! I was filled with so much love! I kept giggling in my head at the thought of what I'm feeling. JOY. HAPPINESS.

I didnt think such a small amount would have any effect at all.
The cacti was very bitter though. Different than the amount in the small peruvianus I tasted. Perhaps the bitterness gauges the toxicity? I plan to have a full experience next time. With purpose and safety behind such powerful tools, one can accomplish much.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34437
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2018Views: 1,008
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Cacti - T. pachanoi (64) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2), General (1)

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