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Very Surprising
Citation:   Jonny Manson. "Very Surprising: An Experience with Methadone (exp34468)". Mar 3, 2018.

1.5 tablets insufflated Methadone (ground / crushed)
I acquired 25 tabs of methadone. I hadne ever tried it, or even thought of trying it, I didnt even really know what it was. I got online and checked out exactly what it was, and what it was used for. I read that it was used as a pain killer, so I thought I would take some. I have mostly snorted pills, so I thought I would stick to that for this. I chopped up 3 pills, and made 6 lines. I took 2 and my friend took 2, we waited half an hour, and I was starting to feel numb, so we each took our last line. After about another 15 minutes, I started to feel euphoric and numb, but I could still function reasonably fine. I had lots of energy, and was very shakey. I was awake for about 8 hours longer than I would have been normally. When I did go to sleep, my sleep was very restless, my arms were moving all around, and I woke myself up a few times talking in my sleep. The next day I had no side affects besides lack of sleep. My eyes were wide open, and dilated all day, and I was a little jittery. All in all, I would have to say I was very gacked out.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34468
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 3, 2018Views: 1,688
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