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Sleep Is The Last Thing On My Mind
Citation:   Methylphenidate. "Sleep Is The Last Thing On My Mind: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp34513)". Aug 1, 2017.

T+ 0:00
20 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate
  T+ 1:30 20 mg insufflated Pharms - Methylphenidate
5:45pm - Insufflated 2 pills (10mg x 2 = 20mg)

7:15pm - Felt much of nothing for the first hour, my spine has become very tingly, and somewhat sore. After about 1 hour and 30 minutes passed I began to feel mild euphoria as if nothing really bothered me.

7:15pm - Insufflated 2 more pills (10mg x 2 = 20mg)

7:30pm - I now am feeling slightly happier, so far no negative effects. I'm finding that talking to friends online is alot more well.. less boring? One thing to note is that this would be alot more exciting with a girlfriend or something of that sort with me.

12:50am - Well I kind of forgot about this report because I left the room for awhile. For the last few hours I've been extremely antsy and talkative. A friend came over with his girlfriend that I never met before and I was talking to her full out for like 30 minutes. When I mean full out, I mean talking to her like I've known her for awhile. Talking online has been extremely fun. I'm not playing a game, watching tv, or browsing websites while talking. I'm just rushing the conversations finding them to be quite enjoyable. I feel no changes in sex mood like before I researched. But my back is tingling and feels weird as if I had a pain killer or something. I feel wide awake as of now and normally at this time I would be reasonably tired.

1:20am - I haven't eaten much of anything since noon today, and am now just getting slightly hungry. My mouth is dry and my back is a bit sore once again, I could really go for a massage, all effects are still intact except for the tingly feeling in my back.

2:00am - its been 9 hours since I took the pill and I still feel it. My heart beat is fairly rapid currently.

2:45am - Wow, still am feeling the same effects... this is lasting alot longer than expected. My stomach is feeling hungry but my mind refuses to feed it.

4:30am - I have now been awake for 18 hours and have yet to feel tired. Although most of the effects are beginning to ware off, my back pain is still here, but I'm quite positive the pills had nothing to do with it. My dry mouth isn't bothering me anymore as it is beginning to return to normal. Although I had very little to eat or drink all day, that could be why. I would also like to note that if it wasn't for Christ, this experience wouldn't have been so exciting. After this experience I will now list the negative and positive side effects of this drug.

- concentration becomes an easy task
- overall awareness is increased
- mild euphoria (hard to become depressed)
- laziness becomes non-existent

- mild cotton mouth
- rapid heart beat

- lack of appetite
- extremely talkative
- lack of fatigue

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34513
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 1, 2017Views: 1,607
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : General (1), Various (28)

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