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4th Dimension
by skye
Citation:   skye. "4th Dimension: An Experience with LSD (exp34640)". Apr 19, 2018.

I've taken acid quite a few times in the past. I've had many good trips, such as wandering in what seemed like an enchanted forest with friends to extremely bad trips like hours of not being able to breath properly with my heart pounding in my ears. I've never had a trip even remotely like the one I had about fifteen years ago.

I took some with another girl. She ended up scratching her skin to bloody pieces thinking things were crawling all over her. I totally felt like I perceived another reality. I couldn't move my body as it was just a bunch of molecules moving around. I couldn't see our three dimensional world at all. The air around me was alive and moving, and I saw many dwarf-like beings moving around intently doing things, but unaware that I could see them. My body was melted into the atmosphere so I couldn't move. To this day I'm convinced that the drug somehow opened my awareness to another dimension that we normally can't sense. Ever since that trip I feel like perhaps there is other life out there, but with our human perceptions, we can't begin to understand them.

Do you think I'm crazy? Was it lsd that I took? Have you heard of anyone else having a similar experience? Why did the other girl have a dif experience? Did we take dif amounts? Were we poisoned? I don't recall the specifics, other than we were told the tabs were saved from the '60's and there might have been two different kinds. The thing I will never forget is that was the most far out trip I've ever had, and it altered my belief systems and brought a whole new way of thinking. After all, we are just a bunch of molecules, perhaps somehow all joined together...

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 34640
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 19, 2018Views: 926
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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