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Felt a Bit Drunk
Kratom, Fluoxetine & Olanzapine
Citation:   Revul. "Felt a Bit Drunk: An Experience with Kratom, Fluoxetine & Olanzapine (exp34669)". Aug 23, 2004.

8.0 g oral Kratom (leaves)
  2.0 g smoked Kratom (leaves)
Recently I aquired some cuted kratom leaves, I planned on taking them on an empty stomach the day I would have nothing to do. Currently I am taking a mild anti-depressant, fluoxetine, and olanzapine. So the day arose. I woke up at tenish, in my parent-empty house, had some cereals and watched t.v., at noon I was already hungry and so I ate an apple and drank some water, I was anxious to try kratom in an empty stomach because it would potentiate its acredited opium-like effects, effects which I would appreciate having much liked smoked and eaten opium.

At about 3 o'clock I started eating the leaves. I just poured them over my mouth and chewed a little and them sipped some lemon tea to wash it down, the taste of the leaves was appauling and on my last ingestion I almost threw up because I chewed for to long. Having almost thrown up I decided to stop eating the leaves and smoke the rest, I weighted the rest, 2 grams, wich means I ate 8 grams. Having nothing to do at this moment left me a bit sad and meditative. I decide to go for a walk in my garden, I packed my bong a lighter and the leaves. After five minutes of contemplating my tall trees I started loading the bong. The smoke was easy on the lungs and so I retained it for 30 seconds each time, I noticed no effects. After finishing the leaves, and somewhat dissapointed, I returned to the house. I decide to play some computer. As I was playing, maybe 15 minutes after I started, I felt a pressure on the chest and some anxiety, nothing to worry about but pronounced.

I don't know if it was suggestion or not but the kratom effect of wanting to do some work may have resulted in me playing p.c. 4 hours straight without noticing it, which is unusual. I then went to the living room feeling a bit drunk and lay on the couch to watch a footbal game (portugal x england) with my dad and his girlfriend. After the match I noticed I wasen't feeling the pressure in my chest nor anxious. I went to sleep at 11 pm.

I woke, from a dream, at 3 a.m. Feeling 'that's odd', and had some trouble falling back to sleep. I woke again at 7 a.m. Feeling cold but after pulling up another cover I fell quickly back to sleep. My dad woke me up at 9 a.m. And I rose to find myself in a mild hangover mood, maybe because of the sleeping pattern, which dissapered in a couple of hours. I will be try kratom again but next time i'll take it in the morning as to prevent possible sleeping disorders, and i'll definitly try a higher ingested quantity.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 23, 2004Views: 14,535
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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