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To See Your Self
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Kennny. "To See Your Self: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp34671)". Apr 24, 2007.

T+ 0:00
2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:20 2 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:30 1 hit smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I think I should start out by saying that, in my honest opinion, everyone of strong will should have the right to experiment with LSD and similar drugs. There is a lot one can learn, and to have the tight grip of linear reality snap, even temporarally, is priceless. Such experiences can lead to searching for spiritual truths, with the knowledge from experience, that these truths exist. Don't be scared from my story, but of course try to learn from it.

This happened a couple years ago, but that in no way has dimished the lucidity of these memories. It's like the flash of color in the apple in the novel 'The Giver', something that stands out so much that it can never be forgotten.

A friend of mine, say Carl, had scored some blotter. I had heard that some acid was floaing around, but as usual, it had all been 'allocated' before I could score some. And I was broke.

So on the bus on the way a mutual bud's house, I tried to plead with Carl to float me some fry. He declined, haveing only a few hits, like ten or so. But I persisted, and eventually it was agreed that he would throw me four hits if I gave him my glass pipe, which was decent quality and worth about 30 bucks, so it was a decent deal. In terms of money I got ripped off, but you can't trip on a glass pipe like you can LSD, no matter how much resin it has in it, so I felt it was square.

So we got to my friends' house. We'll call them Tom and Seth. Tom and Seth rented the bottom half of a duplex. The guy that lived in the top was cool so nobody worried about him calling the cops if things got out of hand.

So I'm sitting there with a sandwhich baggie with my four hits in it. We toked a few bowles out of pipes and bongs and Seth played some mellow melodic trance. It was a cool scene and the people were all great. I decided to eat two of the four. I had done weak ass liquid before on sugar cubes, so what I thought acid was and what it really is were two totally different things. So I ate the hits. They had pink elephants dancing in skirts on the blotter squares. I'll never forget that.

About twenty minutes went by and the rush didn't come on. My step brother was also there and he said that I should eat the other two hits. I declined, saying that I wanted to see how intense it was first. He called me a pussy and all the other terms usually used in peer pressure, so I ate the two hits. Big mistake? Depends on your perspective. On thing is for sure, Never give in to peer pressure. That's when you really become the bitch, not by holding your own, but by giving in.

So, about ten more minutes go by, and I get a bit disappointed. So I take a bong rip. It's like the dam broke. Instantly I was tripping balls, but within my limit. I guess this is a very common experience, weed kicking in the fry.

After a while of total amusement at walls breathing in unson with me, growing carpet, Goku on Seth's DBZ poster winking at me and trying to 'super saijin' of the page, the flock mind decided to go to the neighbor's house. The block they lived on was a row of duplexes, and everyone was cool who lived there. Now that I look back, it was the perfect chill spot. So we get to this dude Sam's house, and Sam generously offers a round of bowls. There's like six of us at Sam's house, and we are all frying but Sam. So after a while sitting in Sam's room, everyone crazy-eyed and looking at these strange fractal patters on the walls and carpet. Some people amused by the hairs growing and corkscrewing on their technicolor skin, others just giggling, Sam says 'So you're all frying?' And that was when decided to leave.

So Paul, who was also at the 'party', drives me and my step brother Greg, and Carl to my house. On the way I start climbing way too quick, already way out of the league of my other two fry experiences. I get scared, unable to orient myself. Nothing seems solid, and the whole drive was one stoplight that blurred into the next. The lights creating massive tracers that linger like crazy. the people next to me melting into thecar, which itself rolls live water around. I ask Paul to take me home, and he says, in a agitated voice, that's where we're going. I later found out that Paul was the only one of us who didn't score some acid, and was pretty pissed about it.

Eventually we get to my pad. And this is when shit hits the fan. I immediately and instinctively go to my room, sit down on my bed, and try to pick up the pieces of my head and 'hold it' together. It's like my headspace is flowing over the ground and I will it back into my skull. I try to put a cd in my player, by I can't manage to get it in the damn drawer, so I leave it on the grownd. Then I let go, and it starts.

This is the closest analogy I can come up with. Sitting there, watching the opposite wall, this 'thing' manifests. Not like a creature, but some organic construct. It looks like what a really intricate glass pipe being blown would look like if it was like ten feet tall and molten, liquid color. Or maybe 'solid' smoke. Colored oil also seems fit. Now, this totally enthralls me, this throbbing living liquid glass formation in front of me. Then it hits me: everything is linked to it, it is linked to everything, including my mind.

This thought makes the formation flare up, and I can FEEL this action, and my whole perspective is 'tugged' by it. I can control it! I was, for lack of a better term, like sex. The more I felt it the more it flared and then the more I felf it. Then something else hit me: Am I controling it, or is it controling me? Whith this thought, I relinquish my ego, and the thing gravitates the whole universe into it, all my senses feel this. I hear wind, feel it in every cell, see it as manifest thought-light. No thoughts. Just raw experience. Then these 'eyes' open up everwhere, and they too participate in this 'gathering'. Then I have this feeling, like every one, every human, all beings, are here too. I can somehow feel them, I remember my backpack hanging on the wall. Every particle, every atom, was a different being. A different universe, unique yet the same, totally equal.

I could see people doing mundane things in these eyes, like doing laundry. I remember seeing a girl doing homework. I could feel their minds. I knew that I too was just one more being in this collective existence. All the actions people were doing equated, they all were the same action somehow. There was a sameness, but moving and alive and free. Everything was balanced. I felt geat compassion for the other beings that I saw, doing all the things, not knowing that they had the essence of existence, the Truth, unchanging and pure, in their laundry! It was absurd, but it was true! I felt at peace, there was nothing to do, nowhere to go, the question was answered, because it didn't even exist in the first place. everything was new and fresh and changing, yet unchanging. All paradoxes met themselves and danced.

Then a transition happened. I don't know how long I was in the 'eye' room, time having been left with my body far away in the cunfusion of dualism. But now everything had faded into this infinate black and white 'pinwheel'. It was infinate in size so I could not see its edges of shape. All my perceptions became one feeling as thispinwheel spun slowly. Black and white waves circlind an invisible center. 'Whoosh!': A sensation felt heard seen and tasted all at once. Whoosh!...Whoosh!.. As it turned. I had no thought, just the experience of it. No peace, no lack of peace. No fear, no lack of fear.

Then something was 'offered' to me. This is the only way I can describe it. I pulled away, refusing, but not with fear, with the feeling 'That's okay, I don't need it.' Words can't accurately describe the way the lack of 'I' 'turned down' the 'offer'. In fact 'I', 'turned down', and 'offer' all taint the experience. It was like a letting go, the most beautiful feeling I can remember ever having in my life. Now I say this with no pride, for there was no such thing at that particular time. I don't think 'God' was offering me some 'Reward', in fact I don't know what 'it' was, but that's what happened. Don't puff up or feel jeajous, you were there too. A very srtange experience indeed.

Sometime in the night I fell asleep. I had blackedout when the glass formation 'gravitated the universe'. I woke up, still frying mind you, but in a body with an ego and opinions and sense of self and all the goodies that come with the deal. Carl called me a faggot and left. I couldn't understand why. I still was way out of it. My room was trashed. The window was broken, some of my cds were broke all over the floor, my bedframe was leaning on the wall, and there were holes in the walls themselves.

It seems that my body had a trip of it's own while my mind left. I had, being told afterwords by the people who were there, taken off all my clothes, spat on people, tried to hit them, masturbated in front of everyone, and tried to have sex with men and women alike. Thankfully my mom and stepdad slept upstairs during this event, or the trauma of what 'I' did might have been too much to handle. Imagine waking from a bad trip only to find out you hit on your mom.

It took a while for my friends to accept me back. They had all seen 'freakouts' before, but none of this caliber. I was eventually forgiven even by the faggot-calling Carl. I even gained a strange form of respect from everyone. I tried to tell some people what happened, but nobody got it. Others got all puffed up and thought I was trying to 'become' something. The ego can't describe to beings with egos what happened when the ego itself was dead. It's kinda like trying to tell someone what chocolate tastes like when they just have to eat it themselves. I guess I can say that I tasted a very special form of chocolate, and I wish everyone else could too.

You can see now why it depends on ones own perspective if this was a bad trip or not. I could have easily killed myself, been beaten, thrown in jail, I could have ran outside and made a fool of myself and never heard the end of it, or be 'perma-fried'. Every once in a while, I remember doing or seeing something else during the backout period. Most of the memories aren't easy.

Everyone agrees that the acid was good, but nobody fried that hard that night. I would never do it again, but I don't regret doing it. I hope you got something out of my story.


Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 34671
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 24, 2007Views: 7,118
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