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Completely Nausiating, but Refreshing
Citation:   Fossil. "Completely Nausiating, but Refreshing: An Experience with Hash (exp34850)". Jan 9, 2023.

Repeated hits smoked Cannabis - Hash (tar / resin)
  Repeated hits smoked Cannabis (flowers)
I've smoked pot plenty of times before, and experienced hallucinations on a few occasions. Mostly in the realm of full blown CEVs. A week ago though I was lucky enough to try hash for the first time. A week ago I went to my friend B's house. My friend S was going there with another kid W so I asked him to pick me up b/c I had to pick up an 8th of shrooms. So we all arrived and smoked a few bowls in the basement. A few people came and went but later in the night it was me, B, W, and this kid K who had shown up. We all went into the next room while B and W jammed for awhile. Eventually W told K that he would pack a bowl if K would put some hash on top b/c he had mentioned earlier how he had just picked up a gram. So we ended up smoking one bowl of W's stuff and then another of K's herb (which was really good herb I might add) with some hash on top.

I assumed that hash would have some added effects and be something like those times when I had experienced CEV's after smoking weed, but it was way beyond that. At first everyone started to sort of glow. Kind of like an aura. But it only extended about a centimeter away from the body. I began to feel nauseous, but I told myself that I was OK and it wasn't a big deal. But B and W began playing music again and I got more and more nauseous. Colors started to fill my field of vision and get very bright. Eventually the music just caused complete sensory overload and I had to stumble out of the room.
But B and W began playing music again and I got more and more nauseous. Colors started to fill my field of vision and get very bright. Eventually the music just caused complete sensory overload and I had to stumble out of the room.
I made my way up the stairs and the colors got brighter and brighter. By the time I got the top I was 'blinded'. When I say bright I don't mean like a white light. It was more like when I close my eyes and push my fingers into them and see colors. Everything is black but I still see very 'bright' colors.

So I'm at the top of the stairs and I can't really see anything and suddenly I just collapse. Luckily I didn't fall down the stairs, but just on them. I was completely stupefied by what happened and hoped that no one else noticed or saw. I got up and slightly regained my vision and made my way to the bathroom before the colors blinded me again. I threw some water on my face and drank some. This helped more than I could believe. When I got out everyone else had come upstairs and was in the kitchen. I grabbed a fudge pop from the freezer and sat down. After that I was back to normal.

This all happened in probably about 10 minutes. The thing is, even though I thought I was about to puke the entire time, after it was over I felt incredibly refreshed. I was hardly even stoned anymore either. Or at least it seemed that way in comparison. It kind of sucked, but it wasn't a bad experience. Afterwards I felt so good.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34850
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 9, 2023Views: 312
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : First Times (2), Health Problems (27), Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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