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Withdrawals Are Hell, or Worst
Citation:   Sc0rp. "Withdrawals Are Hell, or Worst: An Experience with Buprenorphine (exp34891)". Sep 20, 2006.

18 mg oral Pharms - Buprenorphine (daily)
I was on 18mg's of buprenorphine for over 1 year, to control and reduce my habit being on heroin. I was smoking about $150 a day worth of heroin and on some days more, depending on my crime. As now I've realised that crime does not pay, after ending up on remand for 7 days, for the crime I did to support my habit, back in my addicted times.

First day, I felt comfortable and felt no withdrawals, but day 2 was insane. It reminded of a part in trainspotting. 'climbing walls'. Anxiousness is undescribable, pain is unbearable, and I felt like I was about to lose my mind. I dont know how some people may think that withdrawals from bupe are light, I dont believe it, and have proof for myself. I havent tried withdrawing from just heroin, but from wot I heard 18mg's of bupe for about 1 year daily, and then being locked up in a cage with just 4 walls around me, has a pretty unstable and powerful effect on the mind.

If not prison, I wouldnt know how to quit it. <-- use this as a clue if you are struggling to give up bupe, or other kinds of opiates, and opiate based substances. I tried all drugs, but from my view, bupe is more addictive than heroin, but it will depend on the amount I use, and of course the purity. THATS IT, I give up. Dont think that life is wonderland, theres consequences for everything, if you dont see it now, you will see it later. All the Best

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 34891
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 20, 2006Views: 17,794
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Pharms - Buprenorphine (265) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Alone (16)

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