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No Worries, Just Joy
TMA-2 & Cannabis
by -h-
Citation:   -h-. "No Worries, Just Joy: An Experience with TMA-2 & Cannabis (exp35014)". Aug 16, 2004.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral TMA-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00 10 mg oral TMA-2 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 6:00   joints/cigs smoked Cannabis (plant material)
T+0:00 30mg Oral TMA-2 (Powder)
T+4:00 10mg Oral TMA-2 (Powder)
T+6:00 joint Cannabis

First Try with TMA-2

First time I heard of TMA-2 was from my friend who had an extreme experience with 26mg + large joint. We decided to try some tma-2 together and go to parties later in the evening. About 2,5 hours before leaving (cause it takes a long time to come up) to go to parties I took first 30mg of TMA-2. At the time I dosed I was a little bit nervous as normally when trying something new. I began to feel effects after one hour. I was still a little bit nervous and very tired to move. I just laid down and took deep breaths trying to concentrate and get my restlessness go away. I think I was laying on my sofa like an hour and I remember my mental condition was very pleasant after going up.

I was thinking things in a different way compared to LSD or mushrooms. When we left to parties I was looking at the stars and northern lights moving in the sky. It was really big. I was happy and calm. Probably my readings about tma-2's relation with mescalin lead my thoughts toward Indians and ancient legends. I was tripping with the universe, thinking how small I am at the physical level and how enormous thoughts and feelings grow from my consciousness.

After we got to parties we took 10mg more. It felt like I was in a dream but still had enough energy to move on a dancefloor. Sounds were nice and clean. Somewhere after midnight we went out to smoke a small joint and there it was waiting for us: Moon eclipse! What a perfect guide for our trip.

After smoking a joint we went back to dancefloor and I have to say it was really something else. The music was played inside of me. I could feel these sounds rising inside my head and when I closed my eyes I could see these giant colourful images moving, growing and chancing in my mind. I could follow music so easily that it was almost like drifting away with total harmony of motion. No worries, just joy!

Later when party was over we took a cap back to my place and spend rest of the evening talking about our experience and listening Yahel. After 10h there were still some closed eye visuals forming. Total trip lasted something like 12 hours.

A very good first experience! The trip was like one half of an acid trip and one half of a mushroom trip. There was clear and energetic side and then there was this dreamlike state close to magic mushrooms. I'll go back later for sureJ

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 35014
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 16, 2004Views: 9,944
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TMA-2 (112) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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