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Sweethearts -- Not So Sweet and Lovely
Citation:   Starwondur. "Sweethearts -- Not So Sweet and Lovely: An Experience with Ecstasy (exp3504)". Oct 27, 2000.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I had tried ecstasy about ten times in the course of one year and some experiences were better than the others. This one pill that i tried, however, was just awful. I've never had such a bad high than when i took a Sweetheart on April 7, 2000. This was probably my 7th or 8th experience using ecstasy so i knew what to basically expect. I was going to a party that nite and while i was waiting in line to get into the venue, hearing the music and the anticipation make me so anxious that i dropped the pill twenty to thrity minutes before i got inside. Right before i got inside, the pill started kicking in. Instantly i began feeling paranoid--i kept taking off my bag and making the straps tighter to make sure that no one would steal anything. Also, i got really cold and i had to borrow a fleecy sweater from my best friend. When i got inside, the croweded floor and the music usually welcome me, but i felt alienated and all i wanted to do was sit in a corner with my body in a tight clenched fashion. I was completely antisocial, paranoid, and i wasn't enjoying the party, the music and the people. I sat in a corner the whole nite with my knees close to me and i was engulfed in my friend's sweater. I had the hood way over my head and i just sat there... unable to talk becuase of lock jaw and unable to move becuase my muscles were so incredibly tight. This was not a good roll... i did not feel empathetic, enjoyable, lovable etc!!

After about 4 or 5 huors... my body began to loosen up which is when i gradually sat down in the corner like a normal pesron... i took off my hood and my legs were just straight out-- not close to my body... I was communicating a little more but i was still unable to enjoy the music and dance like i love to do! When i left the venue at around 3 or so, i slept over at a friends house only to fall into a restless sleep.. the next morning i was so 'cracked out' and unable to think... i was melancholy and irritable...

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3504
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 27, 2000Views: 4,614
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MDMA (3) : Rave / Dance Event (18), What Was in That? (26), Difficult Experiences (5)

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