Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Unprepared for the Intensity
Citation:   superslowmo. "Unprepared for the Intensity: An Experience with 2C-P (exp35040)". Jul 12, 2004.

  oral 2C-P (pill / tablet)
It was the last week of the dorms being open, so a lot of partying was going on. A friend and I had tripped on 2c-i (which had been moing through campus quite regularly) a few times and had heard that this stuff was pretty good. We both bought a 'hit' for $15 (the usual price from the girl we bought it from) and took it at about 6pm. We played Paul Oakenfold's 'Tranceport' cd, which we had both enjoyed thoroughly the last few trips we took together. About an hour passed before I felt the 'familiar' jittery stomach feeling, but nothing else. I felt as though we had maybe been ripped off... my friend was really pissy and angry about not getting off as fast as we had hoped.

at about T+3:00, my trip started almost out of nowhere. A sober friend took the two of us to a local carwash that has multi-color foam (something of a tradition with someone who's tripping). By the time we arrived (about ten minutes from campus) I was triping balls. My body was exploding with energy... and not an energy of the enjoyable sort. I tried with all of my might to stay positive. After the carwash, we went back to campus and split up. I was tripping hard and having a really hard time with the 'come-up' phase.

i went to my room and took a shower... perhaps the only enjoyable part of my trip. The water was playing awesome visual ricks with my mind as it rand down the sides and floor of the shower. I got out when I heard a knock at my door, and in comes my girlfriend and best friend. I got dressed and we sat and chatted for a bit. I remember having a hard time forming sentences... The girl that I took the dose with soon arrived and once she was in my room, it was unbelievable... my trip got twice as intense. I was wearing a grey shirt with black stripes, and once she came in, the stripes started melting off my shirt and onto the floor, and then spread out like ripples in a pond. Once I noticed what was happening, I took off the shirt and threw it in the laundry basket and crawled into bed.

Everyone left, seeing that I was having a bad trip. I tried so hard to keep things upbeat, but every time I opened my eyes, everything with any sort of pattern moved and jumped and crawled. For example, I keep a set of Christmas lights coield up near my bed for a night-light... when I looked at it, the whole mess of cords became a bunch of coiling, angry snakes. I tried lying in bed and looking at the cieling, but the acoustic tiles started morphing -- the small dots grew, the large dots shrank, vice versa, ad nauseum.

My girlfriend came back about half an hour later and got into bed with me. She had taken a dose, but was 'sober', since this took about 3 hours to kick in. By this time I was so out of whack that I started having out-of-body experiences... one of the most vivid was being in the Superior Dome (my University's football 'stadium') and skylight were opening... then, I would 'magically' be in my res hall, following around the girlI dosed with. For another hour or so, I had OOB experiences of following my friends around and having conversations with them, even though I never left my bed. Soon thereafter, I felt my girlfriend's trip start... it was so bizarre! She had her hand on my shoulder (to help keep me grounded), but once I 'felt' her trip start, we melted together. The next few hours were spent shivering and gasping for breath (from anxiety attacks, I'm sure). I 'woke up' at around nine a.m., still suffering from after-effects. My senses were all heightened -- the smell of my hung-over friends was overwhelming.. the breeze outside was too much to take (I couldn't finish my cig)... I couldn't eat or drink anything because I was so nauseous.

Later that day I spoke with the girl that sold me the hits and she said that it was 2C-P, not 2C-I as we had been told. To this day, I still have residual effects such as patterns crawling (think linoleum floors) and surfaces breathing (counters at diners)... also, my dreams have become more vivid and lucid than ever before.

All in all, I wish I had been smarter and more informed about what I was taking... perhaps I could have dealt with the incredibly intense trip in a better manner than I did (complete terror). BUT... I would still consider taking 2C-I again... as long as I know and trust the source. I chalk this terrifying experience up to my own overeagerness and stupidity.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35040
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2004Views: 16,860
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2C-P (305) : Entities / Beings (37), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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