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Stepping Back To Seeing The Big Spectacle For The First Time
Citation:   sm138. "Stepping Back To Seeing The Big Spectacle For The First Time: An Experience with LSD (exp35197)". Dec 13, 2017.

T+ 0:00
1 hit sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:15   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:30 2 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
My friends used to do acid quite frequently at my house but I was unsure about it and the way it made them act very differently, it was kind of scary because of its unfamiliarity. My best friend N used to do it often and we had a lot in common in the way we think about things, so one Friday night I decided to take it with him at his house and see what all the fuss was about.

I put a hit on my tongue at about 7p.m. and tried to forget about it - I didn't want to worry, just wanted to see what would happen. After about 30 minutes I didn't feel any different, but N assured me it'd come on soon. Sure enough about 15 minutes after that he was like 'Don't things just look a little different to you?' and, looking over at a box of Trix cereal, it did look different and I didn't know in what way, but the rabbit was sort of moving and the lettering started becoming wavy and vivid.

When it kicked in we decided to roll up a blunt on his back patio. The broken up bud was moving all over the plate so it was hard to 'catch it' to begin rolling. Finally after like 30 minutes I finished it and after a few puffs I passed it to N and looked over at his yard. It was autumn so his trees were without leaves and very tall and with skinny branches...and the second I look over at them the acid just hits me and the tree is like waving out of control, its branches swirling and what not. That was the start of the real experience which was around 8:30 and I took the 2 other hits and realized how serious but incredible the drug can be. The weed kind of helped to make it kick in.

I went into his kitchen and looked at the pattern on the floor. It is a kind of random speckling of broken colored fragments on a white tile. As I watched the fragments they seemed to flow together and expand out, kind of like a river. Some of them seemed to pop out of the floor and they all kind of came together in the center and this beautiful blue aura of light was shaded on and around them. This was around the height of my trip. I went into N's room, of course decorated with glow in the dark stars, black lights, and posters. He had some stars arranged on his ceiling that spelled out the word 'PIMP'. As I watched the stars they all were spinning fast and counterclockwise. The posters of girls looked like they were moving, coming out at me, taunting me even.

We both felt like being around some more people so we invited these 2 girls over to his house. I went outside and looked at the car they arrived in, it was dark and its headlights were on as it rolled up and it looked kind of it was moving around little when it was parked. When they got out of the car we realized they were falling down drunk, and their ride took off. The one girl wanted my friend N and the other girl was all over me. The two of us went into N's bedroom and at that point I was more interested in the visuals in his room than the girl. I felt very relaxed and like an observer of a spectactle bigger than myself.
I felt very relaxed and like an observer of a spectactle bigger than myself.
I felt detached from my body, enlightened, very entertained, and gained a better understanding of things around me through this spiritual state of bewilderment.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
At around 4a.m. I drove home and on the way I kept hearing weird noises sounding like they were coming from my car's engine or something but I knew it was all in my head because it was a brand new car.

Overall I was surprised at the amount of control I had over myself even though I was in a totally different, strange, but very intriguing and interesting state of mind at the same time and for the first time. It was a very positive experience since I was around my best friend and in a familiar environment. Hope you enjoyed reading my first experience.

Peace - sm138.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 35197
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 13, 2017Views: 1,041
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LSD (2) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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