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It's All Good
Citation:   Surkiye. "It's All Good: An Experience with Codeine (exp35221)". Sep 29, 2018.

  oral Codeine (liquid)
Having used codeine earlier with smaller dosages (50 and 100 mg) without anything significant to report, my wife and I decided to try a bit more to get a glimpse of the effects of this opioid.

The codeine was extracted through the cold water extraction method from pills which contained 30 mg of codeine and 500 mg of paracetamol (acetaminophen). As we wanted a dose of approximately 150 mg of codeine each and some of it is always lost in the extraction, 12 of these pills were used.

We drank the extremely excruciatingly bitter liquid around 21:45, with the intention of spending a relaxing evening after a long week of work and exploring territory unknown to us, as codeine is the only opioid we have experimented with.

For myself, the effects started to manifest themselves after 20-30 minutes and were quite mild at first. A sense of heaviness and calm came over me and sitting on a comfortable couch with my feet in a small 'foot jacuzzi' got increasingly pleasant. Mentally I noticed little at first, but gradually I started feeling more and more content with myself and my surroundings and whatever uninteresting program I happened to be watching on the TV seemed to amuse me much more than normally.

I was in this state of 'It's all good' for the next hour or hour and a half and although there was little actual euphoria, for that duration everything seemed to be fine and okay. I got up to walk around at about 23:00 which was interesting. Distances seemed much greater and my walking was slow, zombie-like. This too amused me greatly.

The effects trailed off after about two and a half hours and I just felt heavy and slow for the rest of the evening. I woke up the next day relaxed and well, although I did notice my right arm had gone completely numb during the night.

The only real negative aspect to report is the slight difficulty breathing I experienced. I felt like I had to remind myself to take proper deep breaths and although this was most likely just psychosomatic, at times it made me feel like I was toying with death and that my breathing could stop anytime. These feelings were only momentary however and I got over them easily.

As for my wife, she reported similar experiences, although being only 50 kg she felt the dose might have been a bit too much for her, as towards the end of the evening she said she felt very heavy and clumsy, like she had been given horse tranquilizer.

In any case, on the whole the experience was positive for both of us, but didn't really make us want to repeat it any time soon.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35221
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 29, 2018Views: 3,099
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Codeine (14) : General (1), Personal Preparation (45), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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