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Hangover From Hell
Alcohol, Cocaine & Venlafaxine
Citation:   MissK. "Hangover From Hell: An Experience with Alcohol, Cocaine & Venlafaxine (exp35226)". Jul 31, 2007.

T+ 0:00
  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
  T+ 0:00   repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00 75 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30 75 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine (pill / tablet)
After closing down the bar 2am, my friend comes by with one of my favorites, some good ol coke, and after a few little bumps says he's got some pharmies too, Effexor. He told me if I take two it will make me all happy sort of like when you take E. Why do I listen to these people sometimes? So, what the hell, I take one at 3:00am to start and tell myself I'll take the other later.

Gone back to my house and by this time I've got a good little buzz going on, and go for a few more lines. An hour later I'm grinding my teeth like I never have before, and after a little of that for some reason I decide it's time for the other effexor 4:30am. The high I notice doesn't really differ from a coke high, maybe a little more intense, but the point of taking the effexor was really insignificant because I felt no different, just some teeth grinding, a lot of talking about nothing important that seemed important at the time and a general pretty tweeky/speedy feeling. But that night didn't compare to the next two days.

We tried to go to sleep around 7:00am or 8:00am and I think I slept for a whole 30 minutes but all in pieces. I woke up around 10:00am shivering like it was freezing, but I was almost sweating it was so hot, teeth chattering and shaking. I figured it was just a hangover of sorts, cause my stomach felt sick. I ate some tums and my stomach felt better. Normally after a night of partying I always want to eat, but the thought of eating almost made me more sick.

My eyes are completely dilated in whatever light I'm in, and so I come to the conclusion that yes, I'm still pretty fucked up, but there is no high, I don't feel the slightest bit of good, all I feel is shitty. My muscles are clenching, almost spasms that go from my legs to my arms to my torso and my eyes. Every once in awhile there is a break and I feel almost normal. But then it starts over, the shaking and clenching. My mouth is completely dry which I really am perplexed at how dry it is. I feel totally sketchy/tweeky and can't keep my eyes on one thing for any period of time, a general feeling of anxiety almost a panic attack but not there just yet. The best I can describe is the anxious feeling I get right before I am going to throw up. I felt like that all day.

12:30pm I'm sitting in my room still shaking and sketchy so I decide to go online to figure out what the hell I took. I find out that efexor is a 24 hour med, and I took two. Great I say, I don't think I'm gonna come off this today. I'm gonna be like this all day. I decide to try and sleep again. At 1:30pm I guess I fell asleep and slept till 7:00pm. I got up and thought I felt better but my eyes were still dilated and after I was awake for about 15 minutes it came back again, much less than the morning, but back all the same. Finally I could eat something around 10:00pm and tried to drink some water. I walked around the block cause I thought it would help, but as I was walking I just wanted to lie down and sleep. Then I was kinda scared. I called a friend and had him come over cause I was pretty concerned. Around midnight I am feeling a bit less of everything, but still pretty tweeky. At 1:00am we walked down the street to get some movies and then all of the sudden I felt much better. The anxiety had gone away. I got back to my house and lied on the couch and watched part of a movie and finally felt sleepy again and went to bed.

I woke up in the morning at 8:00am ate some cereal and went back to bed, got back up at 1:40pm, felt wonderfully better, my eyes weren't dilated anymore and the shaking had subsided but still feel mildy tweeky, but its getting better and I feel almost normal so I stop worrying about it. By 4:30pm I almost back to normal and in the morning all back to normal again.

I will never do this drug again, every side effect it had listed I had for nearly two days, it was ridiculous. No good for recreation, but I seriously wonder how doctors prescribe this with all the side effects that so many people get.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35226
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 31, 2007Views: 19,345
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Pharms - Venlafaxine (191) : First Times (2), Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Bad Trips (6), Health Problems (27), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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