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Explosion 2000
Sleep Deprivation
Citation:   Raven. "Explosion 2000: An Experience with Sleep Deprivation (exp35238)". Jun 2, 2006.

I went to my friend's party at the year of 2000 and in the month of July. I stayed up all night at his party and then I stayed up the whole night for the whole next day. I was really close to falling asleep but I didn't want to because of what would have happened.

When it turned 12:30 A.M. I really started to flip out. I was delirious and I laughed my ass off about things that weren't even funny. Some of these things were saying 'Cat, Dog, Mouse, Rat'. I mean, that isn't even funny at all. Then I went into the bathroom and I fell asleep on the toilet.

My dream was that at the year of 2000 everything would explode and everything will be gone. There was a giant monster telling me this and I thought that I would really die. Then I woke up because everything was about to explode. I went downstairs and screamed. I yelled 'I DON'T WANT TO DIE!'. Then my mom said your not going to die what are you talking about. Then I told her that at the year 2000 everything would explode. Then she said 'We'll thats too bad but do you know what.

It's way passed the year 2000 and nothing exploded'. Then she told me that I had delirium from staying up too much and then told me to go to sleep. Then I brushed my teeth and then went to sleep. This was a weird trip but it wasn't scary after the 5 minutes that I woke up.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 35238
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 2, 2006Views: 9,927
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