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Bouncing Over Myself
Citation:   Ceri D.. "Bouncing Over Myself: An Experience with Ketamine (exp35492)". Nov 2, 2017.

2 lines insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
BODY WEIGHT: 10.5 st
When I took Ketamine properly for the first time, I had been tempted into buying it as I was drunk and wanted to celebrate a successful club night that I run. The nite was drawing to an end, and I was eager to keep the party going. My friends were on ecstasy and speed, and I wanted to try something different.

The first line back at the house made me want to stand up and dance. The room seemed darker than usual, and it was usually very dark. As more and more people returned from the club, I felt more and more at one with the music. I felt as though the notes were telling my limbs where to move. I had another line and the room seemed only to extend to where the conversation was active. As I walked to the kitchen, I looked at my feet. They seemed to 'jump' several feet at a time, as if I was blinking for three seconds at a time. This robotic movement made me feel as though I wasn't even present, and as though I was watching this entire spectacle on a screen.

Hours later, my friends and I decided to go for a swim. They had already come down and it was now the morning. We caught the bus to the nearest swimming pool. The water seemed the perfect temperature and I felt completely comfortable as I splashed throughout the pool. The slides seemed a bit too fast for me, so I lingered in the jacuzzi. As I stepped under the water dispensing mushroom in the kids area, everything outside the falling stream, looked metallic and like a liquid mirror surface, which I was afraid to touch at the time.

Slowly, the effects wore off and I began to feel tired. The journey home was long and boring, and reality began to sink back in.
At this moment, I realised how dangerous the swim could've been. Never again will I be so stupid. Ketamine itself was incredible, one of the most fun substances I have experienced.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35492
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 2, 2017Views: 942
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Ketamine (31) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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