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A Disappointment
Citation:   Eric A. Blair. "A Disappointment: An Experience with 2C-B (exp35530)". Erowid.org. Mar 9, 2006. erowid.org/exp/35530

  smoked Cannabis  
  25 mg oral 2C-B (capsule)
Perhaps I should mention a few things about my previous drug experiences before continuing, as that might explain a part of my personality which came to influence the experience I am about to describe. The only prior use of mind-altering drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, was some (very infrequent) cannabis smoking. Two of the times it went relatively well, powerful experiences that left me impressed but not particularly enlightened. The third time, however, I smoked an awful lot of it and after that went for a walk in the city. I discovered a few things about fear and paranoia. Usually I am not too comfortable about being near strangers, but under the influence of THC it was a true nightmare, and a reminder of how terribly important the setting can be for a psychedelic experience.

All along I have been looking for a chance to try either LSD or psilocin/psilocybin, but the former is quite rare and expensive in this corner of the world, and nobody around seemed to have any mushrooms either. Then a friend gets hold of some 2C-B, a chemical of which I had heard almost exclusively positive things when used in a somewhat responsible way, so I decide it could serve as an introduction to psychedelic substances other than cannabis.

Unfortunately not everyone has access to sophisticated laboratory equipment, or even accurate scales, but the capules were supposed to contain 25 mg of some 2C-B salt. Since everyone reacts differently, I can neither say I'm sure the effects corresponded to a 25 mg dose, nor that they didn't. There was four of us, after a joint had been passed around and we were all slightly stoned, the other three snorted their 2C-B. Careful as I am, I waited to see if there were going to be any convulsions, heavy bleeding, death or any other of the nasty effects some of 2C-B's cousins may cause. This did not happen, so a while later I swallowed the capsule.

Taking the drug orally, I did not expect any effects to be noticed within at least half an hour, the cannabis fog didn't exactly help when it came to detecting the first signs. To my suprise I noticed the first real effects after what felt like a relatively short period of time, and in retrospect I think the first few hints were noted after 10 or 15 minutes. My perception of time was perhaps not the best, but the onset was more rapid than I expected.

I could not detect any physical effects except impaired motor skills and some numbness. Psychologically I did not expect too much - and that was precisely what happened. Loss of short-term memory and perception of time, mild hallucinations (my arm was melting, things were moving around), closed-eye visions (lots of small, very sharp triangles) and the dream-like feeling that something has happened, I do not know what, but when I open your eyes (or focus on the usual reality) nothing has happened. A reality I can only vaguely sense.

We watched some TV. The faces of people looked very odd, like if they were monsters. In fact they were, as we happened to have turned on some horror movie. Remembering a story I read, about a group of people who went to watch The Ring (one of the few movies that has scared me, I must admit) after having taken LSD, I thought about this. But the movie seemed so ridiculous, I just couldn't stop laughing at it. All other drug experiences have caused me to think and look inwards once I've got used to the effects, this was the first time I laughed like an idiot.

I was the one who suggested the walk. Considering none of the others are as uncomfortable with strangers that I am, you can probably tell how 2C-B affects my judgement. What I didn't think about is that everybody doesn't live in the woods, like I do. There were people outside, my enemies, who want to spit on me and put me in jail for no good reason. A young woman approached, suddenly she just moved a long distance in no time and passed us. I could feel her mind looking into mine and discovering the terrible crime I had commited. Soon after that I turned right back.

Later I tried to get back into the familiar reality. For some odd reason this was accomplished by removing my glasses, which are pretty strong. But after a number of seconds things started to get “sharp” again, and my thoughts ran away. The effects were still interesting, but not being able to think a rational thought got annoying. Instead I started to look at my emotions, just to find that there was nothing there. I didn't feel anything. This was certainly not what I expected from the reports I have read, but that was what I saw. Looking back at it, I think that I can see why. If there were no emotions there from the beginning, there is nothing for the drug to work with.

I have read about the uses of 2C-B within psychotherapy, I don't say it can't be useful, but if you go into the experience with the intent of exploring your mind, you might get disappointed. I have used it once more after that, using about the same dose, with similar effects.

One note about long-term effects – I still see those triangles when I close my eyes or look at the clear sky. Not serious enough to qualify as HPPD, but taking large doses of this chemical once a week is nothing I would try.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35530
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 9, 2006Views: 11,337
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2C-B (52) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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