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Unexpected 24-Hour Headache
Bupropion, Ephedrine & Morphine
Citation:   anonymus morphinist. "Unexpected 24-Hour Headache: An Experience with Bupropion, Ephedrine & Morphine (exp35555)". Dec 7, 2004.

150 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion (daily)
  70 mg oral Morphine (daily)
  25 mg oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
Another Warning about Wellbutrin / Zyban in combination with other Drugs:

Five days ago a started taking 150 mg Bupropion SR (daily) because I wanted to see if it may help me to stop smoking. I also take Morphine tablets on a regular basis (I was on methadone (substitution-therapy) but I got depressed and very low on it, after a lot of taking I recieved Morphine instead, which is a lot better in general, at least for me). But this is ins't important now, because there is no interaction between the morphine and the bupropion.

On day 2 of my Zyban medication I felt a mild mood lift, it
has definitely anti-depressive effects. Craving for Nicotine is already slightly decreased.

On day 3 I got some Ephedrine-Pills from a friend. I never had any problems with Ephedrine, it always worked well for me even in higher doses (100 mg). That afternoon after I took those 25mg of Ephedrine, which is a pretty low dose, I felt very well in the beginning. But after about 2 hours later I felt a strong pressure on both sides of my forehead, I noticed that my blood pressure increased to an uncomfortable level. Then I realized a strong pressure in the eyes, and then I got a very strong headache, I had to stop working earlier that day because the headache was too strong to keep working. At home I lay on my bed and tried to relax a bit, but that massive pressure and headache was not to go away. I almost never experience headaches. When I went to bed, the headache was still there , but it wasn't that strong anymore. Anyway, that headache remained for almost 24 hours!

Fortunately I didn't take a 100mg Pill, this could have caused dangerous symtoms. I just wanted to warn anyone that is on zyban about that combination, because I think it's potentially dangerous. I keep taking the Zyban, but I think I'm not going to up the dose to 300mg. I've read so many reports of people having negative reactions on Bupropion. Now I know that I don't mix anything potentally dangerous with the Zyban. I think that drugs like ephedrine, amphetamine and other phenethylamines, research chemicals, cocaine, and maybe even alcohol should be avoided when I am on Bupropion.

Take care, and know your drugs. Peace!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35555
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 7, 2004Views: 24,213
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Pharms - Bupropion (87), Ephedrine (23) : Combinations (3), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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