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Brainy Buzz
Blue Lotus (10x resin)
Citation:   Uncle Fun Knuckles. "Brainy Buzz: An Experience with Blue Lotus (10x resin) (exp35583)". Nov 24, 2004.

6 hits smoked Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (tar / resin)
I have had ALOT of experiance with 'Fun Stuff'...MJ, shrooms, etc so I know whereof I speak =)But lately I'm all 'responsible' with work and family and all, so I've been looking for 'LEGAL' alternatives...

I just got a gram of BLUE LOTUS RESIN 10X from a reputable online dealer. although I AM no SHAMAN, I know where to get good resins. I had smoked a little dagga resin for the first time and wasn't overly impressed. I had a VERY hard time getting the resin to produce enough smoke to get a good bong load. Maybe dried flowers would work better?? It did taste EXACTLY like MJ, and came on pretty good with a big grin and a little giggle fit, but that only lasted for around 5 minutes. After that no matter how much I smoke, I couldn't get the giggles again, although it was a very slight MJ heady high without the body buzz.

I decided to tear into the gram of Blue lotus resin 10X and give it a try. I took 2 big tokes quickly and it came on FAST! A sedated narcotics-like hammer that lasted a good 5 minutes, then mellowed into a very cerebral buzz, not thick like MJ, just very mental. Images on the TV seemed deeper, more 3 dimensional, with somewhat muted color. I took a couple more hits (4-7 medium hits total, from a bong), but it never really got me higher. I just kinda stayed at that state. I did get EXTREAMLY AROUSED. This brainy buzz state lasted around 20 minutes, then it really mellowed into a very mild buzz. I also got the munchies, ah memories....

I have about 3grams of Dagga that I probably won't mess with, but I DEFINATLEY am going to finish the BLUE LOTUS and will DEFINATLY be getting more. I give the Blue Lotus resin 2 big fat thumbs up!!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35583
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2004Views: 34,920
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Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (105), Leonotis leonurus (119) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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