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Tripping on my Reflection
H. B. Woodrose & Alcohol
Citation:   Hash Burns. "Tripping on my Reflection: An Experience with H. B. Woodrose & Alcohol (exp35590)". Erowid.org. Nov 7, 2007. erowid.org/exp/35590

8 seeds oral H.B. Woodrose (ground / crushed)
    repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
Had my first experience with H.B. Woodrose last night. It is a pretty intense trip, not so full on as acid, but still wicked fun (and much easier to get also!)

On an empty stomach (3 hours since I last ate) and completely sober I ate half a metoclopramide tablet, a very effective anti-nausea drug 30mins before eating the crushed up seeds. It was about 8 when I ate the crushed seeds, washed down with a bit of water. They tasted pretty good to me, just like cracked pepper. They took along time to take effect, and come on slowly as they do. I sat around watching a rugby game on T.V. with some other guys. I just wasn't interested, and the yelling and the noise of the commentary was really irritating. I wanted to do something more mellow.

Fortunately I went off to a party with a good friend who was not on woodrose and the walk there calmed me down a bit. There was a little bit of nasuea for the first hour but by the time we walking my appetite had come back. My mood picked up on the 30 minute walk and when we arrived (about 9:30) the trip came on strong, as soon as Soph opened the door. The visuals initially weren't that strong but I felt a bit strange and euphoric. Socializing was a bit of struggle, cause I was the only one at the party drugged up so I had retrain myself from talking too much weird shit. At times, it felt a bit like ecstasy, because touching my head and neck felt really good, and talking one-on-one with people is a good experience, and I could really 'see' the emotion in people.

The best parts of my trip was when I went to the bathroom, where I would stare at my own reflection and trip out, letting my mind run free and turning my features into a wolf or asian face. But I always felt that sense of control, so I knew if things were getting to out of hand I could pull myself back to reality. I spent alot of time in there I think, and only left cause I felt guilty about hogging it from needy bladders.

I didn't drink much over the night, a few beers, some punch, and wine, but only maybe 6 or 7 drinks in total which really had no effect at all, except I was very dehydrated today. Should of had some water somewhere along the way. When the vibe at the party got a bit bitchy toward me, I went for a walk down the lane on my own. It was cool and tripping can be fun on my own because I don't have to concentrate on a conversation or other people, and am free to let my mind free and think. Overall, I was in a cheery mood, and got on well with most people I met (I knew hardly no-one at this party) but I think it could be more fun to do with a few friends around to watch out for each other, and laugh at interesting patterns.

The party started winding down about 1pm. And me and my friend left with a few others to go out at about 2pm. I ordered a red bull which was good to bring me back up to tripping and sat there on a couch watching the lights above the dance floor till me and Chris left about 3pm. Quick walk home and we sat up watching TV (infomercials) till about 4:30, would of slept well, but very cold.

Today I felt good in spite of only having slept 5 hours. It was a beautiful day, and I've been on walks, played some soccer, and have been very contemplative, and I can still a feel a bit of the trip factor in my system. Noooo comedown at all (real bitch with just about everything else...)

Like LSD, it is a looooonnnnggg trip. So I was very glad I took it at 8. Cause it lasted for about 7 hours. I made the mistake of taking acid at 11pm once, big mistake! But sleeping isn't as difficult on H.Woodrose, because I feel more mellow most of the time, it is a bit like being stoned when I am talking to people and playing it straight.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35590
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 7, 2007Views: 8,926
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