The Evil Behind
by Xbin
Citation:   Xbin. "The Evil Behind: An Experience with Clonazepam (exp35925)". Feb 27, 2007.

10 mg insufflated Pharms - Clonazepam (ground / crushed)
Clonazepam: One evil milligram at a time.
Things to keep in mind about myself before reading this document:
- I do not normally steal.
- I do not normally drive wreckless.
- I have very good gun saftey.
- I am a very down to earth person.

For a few months, I've been taking clonazepam. Not as directed of course. And I've had nothing but problems since I first started to take it. At first, I received a mild sedating effect from low doses ranging from 1-2mg, which soon led to more pill consumption to 'increase' the euphoric feeling. But not even one week after I started to take the medication, I began to find myself crushing pills and snorting 1-2mg lines at a time, and that's when it all started.

About a month ago, I did between 8 and 12mg. I really couldn't tell you if it was either or inbetween. I have very little rememberance of what I did or how much I took. What I do remember are frightening images about some of the things I did while I was under clonazepam's spell. I began to think completely outside normal reasoning. I began to look at everything I saw as a potential way to make money. If I saw houses being built, immediatly I began to think of a way to steal material and tools from the job site, as well as how I would 'sell it on eBay'. All rational thought went out the window. I remember driving to the store so I could steal a CD-Key to a video game I play called 'Counter-Strike'. I didn't need the key, but at the time, I figured it was the right thing to do, and so we begin:

Since it had rained not long before I decided to go out on this adventure, the roads were pretty slick and even when I'm 100% sober, I like to fishtail at intersections and out of my neighborhood. No harm, no foul. Well, on the clonazepam, I figured it would be a good idea to mimick what I had seen in movies when the 'bad guys' are fleeing from cops and they fishtail hard at every turn. So, I came out of my neighborhood nearly doing a 180 and was on my way to the store.

At the very first traffic light I came to, which from my rememberance, was turning red as I went through it, I did between 3-5 360's in the MIDDLE of the intersection. I remember as I spun around once, this lady was looking at me probably with her mouth wide open in awe at what I was doing, and I remember smiling at her and spinning around again. I am STILL fearing the fact that every intersection here has cameras mounted on the traffic light bar, but claim that they're not active for issuing tickets. I gloom going to retreive the mail for the fear that one day I will go out to the mailbox and find a court summons or a plain 1,000 dollar fine for my wreckless behavior.

But going back to my venture to the store, I remember hitting soft curbs, (IE: median strips with soft curbs or no curbs at all) with my truck. I really am surprised I didn't get pulled for driving like I was shitfaced off a 5th of vodka. Thank god I didn't. God only knows what I would have done. Anyhow, I arrived and walked around the store pretending I wasn't about to steal something. Now as far as how well I pulled it off, I am not sure. All I know is, I didn't get caught and I didn't hear 'Security scan department (fill in the blank)'.

When I first walked into the store, I had my cell phone in one hand, along with a razor blade in the other. I used the razor to cut open the circular sticker to prevent kids from opening the boxes, then I flipped through the manual for some reason, punched in the CD-Key into my cell phones address book; put the shit back in the box, and hung around to look at other games. I then went to another department and several more before purchasing some mints and a magazine with cash. I left and went back home. I would later give the CD-Key to someone online I knew, real useful eh?

Anyhow, that was just the start of my theiving stupor. I came home and did a few more lines of clonazepam only to find myself wanting to steal again. This time I was a lot more confident and I began to think up items I wanted. One thing came to my mind quickly, was a USB pen drive. So, with that in mind, I also thought it would be a good idea to bring a pellet gun with me. No clue why in hell I thought that at the time, none the less, an old 1970's .22 caliber air pistol was brought with me.

Along the way, I decided it would be best if I didn't do 360's in the intersections, but instead, shoot the street signs with the pellet gun. So, driving down the road at 9pm, I began to shoot the signs along the roadway. Normally, this wouldn't be THAT bad of an idea, I mean after all, it's only a pellet gun, right?. Wrong. I missed several times, several times which resulted in the pellet going into oncoming traffic. No clue whether or not it did any damage to any of the oncoming vehicles.

I also managed to accidentally shoot the gun inside my car, not once but twice. Twice into the passanger side door. I frantically tried to remove the 'marks' on the door by rubbing the hell out of it. Of course, that did absolutely no good since the 'marks' were actually half inch deep dents in the paneling on the passanger side door. After realizing it just was not going to come off, I paid it no mind. It was something I would worry about later. Besides, I was just arriving at another store. I had a 'job' to do. I walked in again with my cell phone out in one hand, and a razor cupped in the other.

I walked through a few departments before I went to the electronics department and began my ignorance. I saw the 128mb drive, the 256mb and then what I thought were the 512mb drives. I picked one up and walked away from the department with it since there was a camera staring me right in the face down that particular isle. I walked around the store pretending to be on a cell phone and pretending to be laughing when ever I felt the paranoia of being 'watched' setting over. I figured this way it would look like I was just another normal everyday shopper.

Well, after looking at the George Foreman grills, I decided it was time to razor the plastic packaging and get what I came for. Since my quordination was so off, I wound up slicing part of the rubber capping on the pen drive off. I remember thinking to myself, fuck, I have to take this, I can't go back to the department and pick up another one. So I did. I took it slices and all. I also for some reason, said into the phone 'Oh so she's home now?' and then walked back over to the electronics department, placed the sliced packaging BACK where I got it, and then left. When I got home, I realized I had picked up a damn 64mb drive, not a 512mb drive. And not only did I get the wrong drive, I also cut it all to shit. It still works, but it was definitely not worth the risk I went through to get it.

The day after I took the clonazepam, I was still high. I was out in my garage messing around with something, when I fell over an old toilet we had sitting out there. Instead of catching my balance, and standing up normally. I fell over the toilet, and it crashed to the concrete below it, breaking it into several pieces. My parents were pissed needless to say. Also, I was told I sat down for dinner that night and was very mean and aggressive with my mother. I also said some things to her that scared her enough to sleep with her door locked that night. The next day, I was confronted about my behavior which I had no rememberance of at all. I completely blacked out. I was told everything I ate, everything I said, and everything I did. I had absolutely no rememberance of it at all even still.

After experiencing that and looking back upon it, I will not be using clonazepam recreationally in high doses without someone else present to keep my mind from wandering into a criminal state. I am VERY lucky I didn't wind up in jail or worse. I have done several benzo's in high dosages before. Some even with alcohol, none caused the disturbing behavioral changes I experienced on clonazepam. I read up on the medication after I did this (very stupid) finding out that behavioral changes are one of the possbile 'side effects' of the drug. Along with plenty of other side effects, such as aggression and poor balance. I seemed to experience quite a few of the negative side effects.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35925
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 27, 2007Views: 58,932
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Pharms - Clonazepam (125) : Multi-Day Experience (13), Relationships (44), General (1), Alone (16)

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