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Horrible, Terrifying Bodily Reaction
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Jessica. "Horrible, Terrifying Bodily Reaction: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp35940)". Aug 18, 2004.

2 hits oral LSD (liquid)
  2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
One evening this summer, a friend (we'll call her Jan) and I went to visit a different friend of mine (and we'll call him Joe). Joe and I decided that we wanted to trip on acid. Joe had just bought about ten sugar cubes and decided that he would pop one right then, as we were sitting in the parked car w/ nowhere in particular to go. I chose to take one then as well, feeling comfortable w/ Joe as my trip partner because he is much more experienced with drugs than I am, and had tripped on acid before. This was to be my first time. Unfortunately, though, Joe's mom called him home about an hour after we popped the cubes so I was left to face the trip with the company of my extremely stoned friend Jan, who had no experience with acid herself. I wasn't too concerned, as I could feel that the acid wasn't going to be very strong (though I had not done acid before, I had experienced several incredibly intense mushroom trips, and knew that the effects I was feeling were minimal).

Jan and I went back to my house, and on the way I decided to take the second cube I had purchased. The rest of the ride was the most intense part of trip, but was limited to changing colors and an incredibly interesting truck, which vaguely resembled a spaceship, in front of me which we followed nearly all the way home. Upon the arrival at my house the effects were already more mild. I grew bored and decided to try dancing. Wow. Even though it wasn't strong acid, I clearly understand why people on acid like to rave.... so I danced, illustrating the music with my movements, feeling incredibly blithe and smooth. This was so much fun, I kept at it for nearly an hour before I decided to open my front door and see what it was like out there. It was cold (around fifty maybe), but since I'd been dancing my body temperature was very high and i was sweating profusely, so it felt really nice. I began running around, barefoot in shorts and a tank top, sweating and giddy and full of adrenaline, so very happy.... I stayed out there, exerting myself like an olympic athlete, for another half an hour or so before going back in.

I was flushed and extremely hot to the touch, and decided I needed some water. I drank about nine tall glasses without a thought, guzzled them down in extreme thirst. My body temperature began to drop at this point, or i had a fever.... I don't quite know... but I put on my sweater, noticing the cramping in my muscles, and just decided to chill out, assuming I'd be fine, that this was normal after such activities. I decided to keep a nice intoxication going as the acid wore off, so I smoked two bowls with Jan. I didn't start to worry about the symptons I'd been having until I felt an intense pain beginning at the top of my skull that wouldn't go away. It felt like the top of my brain was exploding, and I could feel the blood was pounding very, very hard when I touched my head. I began to feel very nervous, as this didn't feel like any headache I'd ever had. The pain grew worse, and I felt colder. I reclined on my bed and wrapped myself in a thick comforter. My heart rate at this point was so fast and yet sort of faint, like my heart was working very hard to pump the blood as fast as it could, and the pulse was light.

At this point, I am feeling very nervous. I start to feel like I'm blacking out. My vision goes very screwy, like electric looking and the stripes on my blanket, which are pale pink, appeared to be neon, highlighter green green, though I know this is not a tripping sensation, this is a scary phyiscal illness sensation. as the acid didn't cause much hallucination at all and I had taken the stuff hours earlier, and the trip was, for all intensive purposes, over. Thusly, I was now panicking. I don't know how to describe what I was seeing at this point, but it was as if everything was going in and out, going black and electric looking, the borders of things spreading in and out like trailing sort of, but not, like everything I saw was getting bigger and smaller and the borders were layering, the edges moving in almost a dizzy way. It was, I suppose, what happens, when you start to black out. The pain in my head was still there, and intense. So at this point, I was also having a full blown panic attack. as well. I decided maybe I was suffering from low blood sugar, and had Jan get me orange juice. I drank a bunck of that, and had something little to eat.

I found that sitting up eased the feeling that I was losing consciousness. Afeter a while, my body temperature began to come back to normal. Though I'd told Jan at one point that I thought I should be in a hospital, she just sat there stoned, so I was lucky I started to come back to myself. At one point, I found that being touched helped a lot, so I had her keep her hand on my ankle. I was terrified the whole time, and sort of angry at Jan because she started to say she had to go home to sleep when this was all still happening, though I didn't let her because i didn't want to be alone (and was really unnerved she'd even think of leaving me like that to begin with). Eventually I let her leave, as i started to feel a bit better and confident I was going to continue feeling better rather than worse. Once after she left I felt like I was blacking out again, but than I felt better. Never, never trip without someone you know you can trust. I think if i hadn't known how to basically take care of myself (based on sense) I could have fared much worse.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 35940
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 18, 2004Views: 16,078
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LSD (2) : Bad Trips (6), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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