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Joys of Earth
Citation:   opiatekrzy. "Joys of Earth: An Experience with MDMA (exp36045)". Oct 8, 2018.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Last friday I was able to get my hands on two ecstacy pills named 'Red Strawberries', never trying ecstacy I was kind of scared about hearing all the stories of neurotoxicity and all that nasty stuff. I also was expecting it to be somewhat similiar to Adderall.

6:00pm: ingested one pill on an empty stomach.

6:30pm: It hit me like a ton of bricks, my scalp and my skin tingled, I was getting warm rushes through my body, and one thing too add it was a little to intense at times, I got really dizzy and paranoid I was going to have a heart attack, but that subsided, I was in the car with my dad on the way to an NA meeting, I remember hearing the music on the radio and it was the greatest feeling ever, I felt so content and happy and I felt connected with the music.

7:00pm: My pupils were dilated and were like the size of dimes, very very huge, I noticed a lot of jaw clenching also.

After that the high was pretty level with all the positive effects I said above, not to forget I had real extreme feelings of love and emphathy for people. The comedown wasn't nearly as bad as amphetamines.


I am currently craving VERY badly to do more ecstacy, as it seems I have no where to find it, this is a hell hole, I almost regret taking it.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36045
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 8, 2018Views: 827
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MDMA (3) : General (1), First Times (2), Various (28)

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