Tripping in Maine
Citation:   NigTony. "Tripping in Maine: An Experience with 2C-I (exp36049)". Jul 8, 2005.

15 mg oral 2C-I (capsule)
About 3 months ago My buddy Drizzle (not real name) and I went to Maine. A mutual friend of ours told us he had this crazy new drug called 2C-I. After a lot of research and questions, I purchases 2 gelcaps containing 15 mg.

We left Massachusettes at midnight, so when we arrived at my camper in maine (I was on vacation) it was late. I didnt get any sleep that night becuase I was anxious about the trip that would happen the next day.

We got up early around 8 am and went for a boat ride. Before we launched off the dock we took our pills. we paddled about for say 20 mintues before I started to noticed that colors were getting brighter. I didnt feel like drowning that day so I suggested we row back to shore and go fishing. We did that. After another 30 mintues I felt a little different but nothing major. We didnt catch any fish so we decided to return to the camper and smoke a bowl.

On the way back up to the camper is when I noticed I was tripping. The tip of my fishing rod had a bright orange lure on it, the rod was thin so it was bouncing to and fro as I walked. I watched in amazement as the orange lure was being chased as it moved by a fantastic trail. I played with that for some time. When we arrived at the camper is when It hit us hard. Ive tripped before off mushrooms, but this was different, no mental confusion or anxiety. Very bright colors, trails the whole deal. After smoking some pot we made some tea. I put our mugs in the microwave to heat up the water. the 2 mintues seemed like it took forever, but when the timer finally went off it seemed quick (sounds odd but thats how it was.) I remeber being in extremely high spirts and was making jokes and just laughing. I started to get a rolling kid of feeling (Ive never rolled before but from what I hear, it was very similar) every cell in my body felt like it was getting laid. extreme eupohria, pleasure, physical and mental.

When I was talking to my friend drizzle, I noticed that it looked like his face was melting, I wasnt scared because I knew it wasnt real but it was really amazing, I didnt want to look at it so I looked down at my pajama pants I was wearing. They were green plaid. I noticed the green changed like seven different colors before it returned to normal, then the designs dissapeared and reapeared in different places. After about ten minutes of staring They morphed completely and I was looking at a pair of jeans I used to own, How crazy. I looked up again at my buddy drizzle, and saw that it looked like there was a line directly down the middle of my vision, one side was magnifyed, so drizzles arm on one side was HUGE and the other was normal, that didnt last long, but was definetly noticable.

My trailer was changing colors. the walls were not breathing, but they were chaning from red, to green, to orange, and back to original color. This happend every ten mintues or so. Everything morphed. for example, I was looking at the sink. It was as if someone took 2 pictures of it, one was longer, and one was taller. as i watched it the 2 'pictures' faded from one to the other, and the longer I watched the more it spread, to the fridge, beds etc. the wood grain was akin to running water going up the walls and into the ceiling, very much like fear and loathing when the rug starts to twist and bend when Mr. Duke starts saying, 'My blood is too thick for Nevada.' After I made that connection everything seemed to be out of that movie. I remeber a part of the movie where they took some mescaline and went swimming. So, in the spirit of the day, we decided to go to the lake and go swimming. on the way down I remeber thinking that it was a bad idea, but I did it anyway.

I swam out to the dock that was about 30 feet from the shore. and layed down to stare at the sky. slowly I noticed neon glowying 3d rotating images that appeared to be egyption, or aztec or something, reminded me of somethign that was in the 1rst tomb raider for ps1. I stood up, I noticed my friend was chasing fish on the shore. I didnt make a big deal out of that, even though I thought it looked suspicious. I dove in the water and opened my eyes. Word of advise, dont do that. in fact dont swim at all. everything was truly amazing, I cant describe what I saw. I started to get disorientated and didnt know what was was up. I got nervous and found the surface. I decided it was time to leave the water but not before I stared at the sky more. laying back down on the dock I watched the glowing images in the sky again as the clouds moved across the sky at fantastic speed.

I stood up to swim back to shore and noticed the dock was bulging out at me in about 6 places, much like Fear and Loathing where the guy at the casino gives him his ticket, and Mr. Duke, says, 'I need this right?' and the guy says, 'Ill remember your face, and then his face stretched out. It was exactly like that.

When I got back to the camper I played with the greenish trails that everything moving made for a while, then I started to pay more attention the the rolling feeling. My god is was great. felt like sex for six hours. A fan was blowing on me and It was wonderful. I thought, 'If a fan feels this good, I bet a shower would be great.' So I rode my bike down the showers, and got in.

The shower was in a stall with a funny looking matt on the floor made up of a series of squares. The design made my visuals go wild. stretching and bending, and growing and shriking, the wood grain on the walls was repeating what I saw in the trailer, truley amazing. the whole shower was alive.

I turned on the water and watched as the light broke up through the water like a prizym. Rainbow water, never seen that before!!! the water was like a thousand girls massaging me all over. pure bliss. Eventually I went back to the camper and had some deep convos about art, and beatuy with my friend while we cooked some burgers and sat on the back of my truck. It was odd, felt like someone was driving it around, but we were standing still.

I think I've told all the impressive parts of my trip, the only negative I had from it, and what a negative it was, was the migrane I had all night long. and I mean poudning. around 3am I went looking for a walmart, (long after I came down, the headache was kinda a hangover.) I found one and took like seven tylenol. It took a while, but it helped. I finally fell asleep and woke up feeling pretty good.

2C-I isnt something that should I would abuse, in fact what I did was flat out dangerous; I'm lucky I didnt drown, and my gf got pissed off when she found out I experimented with psychedelics. But I think that the experience was worth it.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36049
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 8, 2005Views: 6,566
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2C-I (172) : Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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