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Cocaine Hurts the Ones You Love Too
Citation:   Tangerine. "Cocaine Hurts the Ones You Love Too: An Experience with Cocaine (exp3618)". Nov 4, 2000.

Cocaine is the devil..of this I am convinced. This powdered devil causes normally kind and loving people to hurt those they love,become impossible and downright ugly..all fiendish things indeed. I use coke alone, although it had at one time been a social and 'fun' drug for me. I spend hours snorting and stalking around my house..looking for people out to get me. I promised those who love me that I am done with it..but still I return to the devil and my self imposed hell.

They call on the phone, these loved ones, and I dodge their calls, for I am too paranoid and fucked up to speak to them. I hide and scream that I am a piece of shit and hide from them. I forget to feed my dogs, forget to wash , forget to brush my teeth, forget to do anything..except MORE coke. I do come down, and the 'I'm sorries' begin. I promise I am done with it..and at that time I truly am..until the next time...

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3618
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 4, 2000Views: 14,217
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Cocaine (13) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Alone (16)

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