I puked till I lauged!
LSD & Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   11 minutes late. "I puked till I lauged!: An Experience with LSD & Alcohol - Hard (exp36289)". Erowid.org. Jan 18, 2018. erowid.org/exp/36289

  repeated oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
  .5 hits sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
I think the story I wrote at the time, inbetween puking up (my last ever) McDonalds says it best. Please don't think I'm an asshole - you know what an ego acid gives you!


Friday night - I was feeling pretty fucking pleased with myself. Smug as a bastard, totaly made up. It had been one amazing week where I'd managed to impress just about everyone I'd met, acheived things I never thought could be possible and was generally feeling extremely excited and optomistic about the future - for what a future it was going to be!

Anyway, dizzy with power - and indeed the large amount of vodka I'd drunk, I hought to myself 'How can I top this? What's next - surely a woman of my talent & charisma can't just turn in at 12pm onto a bed of smugness'

It was then to my delight I remembered my boyfriend had gone to a music festival that weekend and had left a cupboard full of drugs - in that cupboard was alot of acid (a drug I hadn't taken since I was 16 and had very little recollection of its effects)

YES - how fitting I thought as I took just half a tab, that I should end this week being up all night on acid having some sort of amazing inner journey.

Well. I was certainly up all night. THROWING UP. ALL NIGHT. AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN.

Retching into the bath like a great big mistake - I noticed how clear & pure my sick was. The thought then occured to me that I was puking up my own sense of self satisfaction. That really, I had become TOO smug - and my body was reacting in this unholy fashion.

I immediately realized the poetry of this situation & what a great story it would be. A great monologue I could tell at some party that had yet to be organized.

I threw up again and again and again. My self importance now becoming discoloured.

I sit here now, very weak with terrible pains all over my body - shaking through hunger and tiredness. I can't even keep down a sip of water and I am so terribly thirsty.

(end story written while high)


Although this sounds like a BAD experience, the next day was wonderful! I didn't sleep that night and I still had a huge ego all the next day. I found life very easy & beautiful that day. I laughed so much at one of those home movie shows I had to go and lie down!

Although I may not repeat this combination for health reasons, I did have an amazingly long and perfect comedown, right up till bedtime!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36289
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 18, 2018Views: 1,048
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Alcohol - Hard (198), LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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