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Tides of the Sky
by 256
Citation:   256. "Tides of the Sky: An Experience with 2C-E (exp36364)". Jul 30, 2007.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 7.5 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
My friend and I were both experienced with LSD, mescaline and Psilosobes for psychedelic experiences. LSD had been very difficult to come by lately and we were interested in exploring some more esoteric psychedelics. After perusing Pihkal and Tihkal and careful investigation into various companies purveying in 'research chemicals,' my friend acquired 400 mg of 2C-E.

Lacking a scale which was accurate to the necessary granularity and wanting to be as precise as possible in our dosage, we dissolved the 400 mg into 400 ml of distilled water. We then administered the 2C-E orally assuming a dosage of 1 mg/ml.

At t-0 I took 10 mg and my friend took 15. We knew these to be only threshold level doses but wanted to be cautious and knew that we had much time to do more later.

At t+40 we both began to notice not-unpleasant body rushes. These were reminiscient of the onset of an LSD trip.

At t+60 the body rushes had more or less subsided and we began to question whether they had perhaps been psychosomatic.

At t+90 we took our second doses. 7.5 mg for myself, 15 mg for my friend. I advised a lower dosage, but he was anxious to have an experience. I should point out that we were in the company of five close friends, three of whom had taken ecstasy and two of whom were sober.

At t+100 we walked to the nearby house of one of our friends, there to get some water and food before going to the park.

At approx t+115 we arrived at the friend's house. The five people not on 2C-E went inside and it was at this point that my friend and I realized that we were definitely beginning to feel high. For me there was an increased sensitivity to light and an increased brightness of colour. There was also an uncomfortable tightness in my chest and a great feeling of psychological confusion. Also, there was a very strong irrational desire not to go into the house. I sat on the porch and did breathing exercises while my friends were inside. This helped to relieve both the constriction in my chest and the uncomfortableness.

At t+140 we arrived at the park and I began to experience greatly pleasant visual hallucinations. The tendency to notice patterns that would be otherwise invisible was similar to that experienced on LSD. But also there was a much greater amount illusory movement and vibrance to my surroundings. Particularly of note was that the entire sky seemed to me a vast ocean in which the tide was perpetually coming in. This was not just a feeling, but also a very vivid visual hallucination of waves, breakers and blue sand. This particular image stayed with me for the entire duration of my trip and I could not look at the sky without seeing it.

Many smaller fascinating visuals were found also within the grass, the trees and the weave of my sweater. We stayed in the park for six full hours. My friends who were not on 2C-E talked at great length about many things and played with frisbees and on the swings and jungle gym. I felt a great affection for them, though I feel this always, and had no difficulty following their conversation when I wanted to. But the few times I felt a desire to join it myself, I found it very difficult to string together words in a meaningful way. I spent most of the time sitting in the grass and marvelling at the world around me.

At t+360 I found that I was beginning to be able to talk again and to play on the swings without feeling overwhelmed. Still, I found that though I could talk reasonably, I did not feel truly connected with the things I was saying. It was as though someone very like me were saying them and I was merely a listener.

At approx t+420 some of my friends expressed a desire for food. We went to a nearby falafel place. The plateau was clearly past for me, but I was still feeling rather high. At the restaurant, I again felt the irrational desire not to go inside. I waited outside while my friends bought their food. We then walked back to the park to eat. Despite the fact that I had not eaten in twelve hours, I was not hungry. One friend persuaded me to take a bite of her falafel to give my body some nourishment. I took one bite, chewed it and swallowed. It was not unpleasant, but I had no desire to take another.

At t+500, we finally returned to my house. I was feeling like the high had almost entirely subsided, but still felt the irrational desire to remain outside. I overcame it and found that once I was inside it was pleasant enough. I stayed up for another hour and a half watching a movie.

At t+600, I felt a great desire to go to sleep, but when I closed my eyes, my mind began to race. I took four 15mg Gravols,

At approx t+630 I fell asleep and slept soundly for eight hours. Upon waking, I was very hungry but otherwise baseline.

As for my friend who took 30mg. Perhaps he will submit a report of his own. Upon talking to him, it seems his experience was similar to mine, but quite overwhelming at times. The conversation was too much for him and he spent most of the day with earphones on listening to trance music. He has explored 2C-E once more since then at a 20mg dosage and says that he would recommend that lower dose to others.

The following is an excerpt from my journal written at approx t+500:

Beyond my powers to percieve the colours brightened; a private show just outside my field of vision. and the tide came in amongst the clouds and gently eroded my thoughts to a plain of silica. Behind my eyelids a play of pictures, not empty icons but charged metaphor, my entire life summed up in a green rotating cube. and even with my eyes open problems of identity.

Talking with my friends, words coming from my mouth unbidden. not embarassing things, sounding for all the world to my disincorporate ears like things I might say, but generated by autopilot nonetheless. it can be very difficult in times of epistemic crisis to sort out the difference between who you love and who you are. Now it is clear to me that I am the one whose face I never see, but that simple system eluded me for at least a couple of hours.

And yet, though I feel that I took the slippery cord of my life in my very hands and tugged, not necessarily straightening so much as simply and irrevocably changing the lay of the land and the path therein described. Yes, and yet, here I am: the colours are dulled again and the rustle of oak leaves is no longer expressly for my benefit. Here I am in the same, albeit mostly wonderful, life. My vector remains the same. Onwards and upwards. etc. etc. etc.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36364
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 30, 2007Views: 7,107
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2C-E (137) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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