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Carl Lewis Sprint Out of the Window
Citation:   Tripitaka. "Carl Lewis Sprint Out of the Window: An Experience with LSD (exp36445)". Sep 15, 2019.

  oral LSD (blotter / tab)
There had been a big drought back in 2000. There was no acid to be found anywhere. My friend and I had started experimenting with it when we had finished high school. We had done it a few times, and liked it alot.

So my friend had finally found some and boy oh boy were we excited. He came with another dude to pick me up from my house. As I got in the car he produced the tin foil the papers were in and gave me what he thought was two papers but I think he actually (by mistake) gave me four.

My friend was a dealer at the time and we had to go and pick up 4 ounces of weed from this guy. So we were driving listening to music everything was cool bananas. I remember stopping at the guys house, waiting and listening to crazy sexy cool by TLC. Now I know its not the trippiest shit but the intro song that goes for about minute sounded so gooooooooooood, so intense. I moved in a convultionary state when the beat kicked in.....

Anyway we had another stop off before we got back to my friends house. Where I dont know, by that stage I was nicely toasted and throughly enjoying myself. While waiting there I remember seeing a guy coming up the foot path my friend (who was also tripping, but on two papers) and I started giggling like mischievous kids. We locked the doors as if the guy was some sort of threat to us, but laughing the whole time.

The guy who was driving got back to the car and we left. Why our next stop was Mcdonalds is beyond me but I was fucked and cant remember. Now is when my brain meltdown commenced.

I went into Mcdee's, and on my way to the entrance I walked through the car park and noticed a man who was standing in the car park. When I looked at his face it appeared rubber-like his chin and forehead were exagarrated he looked a bit cartoony. I entered Mc'dees and waited in line. I dont really remember what I was thinking but I knew it was way to bright and way to intense to be in there on this drug, so I went back to the car.

My friends started laughing at me when I got back, I told them it was way to fucked up in there. The guy driving went into get me food. While in there buying me food my brain lost all rational functioning thought. I started saying things like ' What are we here for ' ' What can I do '. Basically I could not think of my purpose. It felt very dumb now that I look back. I'd say' thats what I can do put on music ' But as soon as I did that I had to find another purpose. I had become uncomfortably restless. The guy came back and we started eating hamburgers. It did not taste good. Actually very yuckky. We left for my friends house. I dont remember the drive there.

At my friends house I had a sudden urge to go home and tell my mother I was trippin real hard on acid. I wanted to be home because it was the only safe place I knew. So I asked my friend to take me home. He replied that he would as soon as he finished bagging up the ounces. I really had to go home the urge was ridiculous. I said to him that I would call a cab so it would take me. He told me to wait five and he would take me straight home. I didnt agree with that I started grabbing the phone and trying to dial a cab. My friend grabbed the phone off me and hung it up. This happened about four times before I could not take it anymore. I stood up and started climbing out his window. When I was half way out my friend grabbed me and said ' man, wait two seconds and ill take you! ' I replied half-sticking out of his window ' You know when you have to go, well I gotta go '

And with that I jumped out the window and Carl Lewis sprinted down the street.

While I was walking trying to find a phone to call a cab. My thoughts went into overdrive. All thoughts were of great meaning all of them having an idea. About 40,000 sub thoughts would branch off one giving me an insight into something which lead to another thing and so on and so on.... The brain is a powerful tool which I think we have not yet mastered, Lsd showed me that night.

While walking everything had a fluroecent hue to it. But taxis stood out like dogs balls. By this I mean they were lit up in some ' thats the way to get home ' sort of way. I stopped and sat on a curb in a street just off the main road. My brain was racing all I wanted was this drug to stop and me to be at my nice safe home, then some guy pulls up and asks me whats wrong (Very weird now I look back). I say I just need to get home, he asks again whats wrong. At this point I just am not thinking properly at all and grab the back door handle and try to get in the car but as I grab the door handle he speeds off. Gloom doom and despair. I felt trapped. As if the whole world was trying to stop me getting home. I kept walking up the main road. I went to a house and knocked on the front door and asked if I could use the phone. An old granny who I probably scared the absolute shit out of said to go away. I kept walking to a service station and finally called a cab.

When I got in the cab I told the driver I was on acid and was not feeling to well. He had some sort of elevator music playing which just added to the effects of helplessness. As we drove under a sign for the freeway all the street letters on the sign were in arabic but yet still in english.

When I got home my thoughts started getting the better of me. I suddenly realised I couldnt talk to my mum, I was fucked upppppp. I went to bed. I was lying there looking at my clock thinking that this is how I'm going to be for the rest of my life, and mental defect. In the morning my mum would come and speak to me and would realise she had a mental patient for a son. This pattern of thinking lasted a while and then bang! It all stopped, I mean I was still fucked but the intenseness was gone. I woke the next day sweet as.

That night was a strain on the brain. But I'm so glad I experienced it. I will never forget that night. Ever.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 36445
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 15, 2019Views: 697
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LSD (2) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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