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Nothing Is as It Used to Be
Citation:   the mza man. "Nothing Is as It Used to Be: An Experience with Hydromorphone (exp36559)". Feb 3, 2007.

  repeated IV Hydromorphone
Habitual Dilaudid

I've been using opiates on and off for a couple of years now, my friend's mother is taking dilaudid for some health condition she has.

About a year ago my friends and I started sniffing them, it only took about two 4mg pills to get a good fix and I loved it. After awhile it took 3 pills, then 4, then 5, and it was getting ridiculous having to sniff 4-5 pills just to feel good
it was getting ridiculous having to sniff 4-5 pills just to feel good
, one of my friends suggested we start injecting them, so at the beginning of last summer that's what we did. We crushed up a 4mg pill, poured it into a spoon, put 3/4 of a cc into the spoon and lightly heated it then stirred it, then a small cotton ball would be put into the spoon and filtered through that, I tied off my arm, mainlined the shot and untied the turnicate.

About 3 seconds later it hit me, it felt a warm wave of pressure around my neck and legs, I could do nothing but laugh, after that I knew there was no turning back. My friends and I continued injecting dilaudid and the occasional oxycontin almost everyday the entire summer. When I had no chemicals to inject I felt very depressed and empty, marijuana no longer could enable me to have a good time, now nothing is the same as it used to be, I must have dilaudid or oxycontin in order to have a good time. I write this in to let the readers know that injecting anything was not worth it, nothing was the same after that first rush. Here I am now, early in the morning, I have just shot up 4mg's and I wish I had more pills, hopefully I'll find a way to get my hands on some, or I'll just suffer until my next paycheck. Now the sirens of the Lady D will always ring in my head calling my name in a most seductive manner, unless of course I have some in my pocket. Think before you act.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36559
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 3, 2007Views: 3,998
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Hydromorphone (300) : First Times (2), Addiction & Habituation (10), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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