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Take It Easy
Alcohol - Hard
Citation:   Huey Long. "Take It Easy: An Experience with Alcohol - Hard (exp36642)". Mar 11, 2018.

15 shots oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
I was 15 and I had just recently sparked a new curiosity among my friends for trying out a few minor drugs, weed/alchohol, as opposed to sitting around at out houses and playing games all day. Well, conviently enough Mardi Gras rolled around and it seemed an appropriate time to get drunk for our first time.

There were about five of us total, 3 of which had never even had a sip of alchohol, and we had the house to ourselves because out parents had just left for the parade. The other 2 'expierienced' (I say that with great sarcasim) drinkers decided to portion out our liquer to get the full effect of the alchohol. But to get to the point I myself got poured about 10 shots of Taaka vodka into a tall drinking cup (I know it was 10 shots now that I know what a shot is hehe :P) and of which I managed to chug down rather easy as I have a pretty good gag reflex and my body didn't instantly know to puke at the taste of liquer, especially Taaka. After giving myself a good 5 minutes to let the burning subside I decided to seal the deal by finishing my friend's glass which had probably about another 5 shots mixed with some Sprite.

The walk to the parade probably took about 10 mins and within 5 I could already begin to feel the warm fuzzy buzz of the liquer kicking in. By the time I got to the parade the local high school bands were marching by and I remember vividly my vision going very blury at this point. Once I actually got into the throng of people, about 15 mins after drinking, my balance started to go and I began stumbling into everyone around me and eventually made it into the marching band itself, where I was promptly escourted off to the side by some nice policemen. I tried apologizing, but for some reason even though it sounded right in my head I knew my speech was extremely slurred and almost incomprehensable. The next hour and a half of the parade was lost from my memory,except for a few embarrasing clips. The only strong memory I have of that night would be returning to my friend's house without any of the original friends I had left with (much less any at all) and making a complete fool of myself by stumbling around and attempting to make conversation with my friend's parents, of which there were at least 3 sets of.

The next mourning I wake up, in my own bed somehow, vommiting for an hour or two on and off and with a headache that seems to depict a small colony of gnomes drilling into my brain.

I made the mistake of going waaay overboard a few times and have not proved anything to myself or others but that I was an idiot and could not learn my limit.

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 36642
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 11, 2018Views: 1,570
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Alcohol - Hard (198) : General (1), First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Hangover / Days After (46), Various (28)

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