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No Noticable Effect
Adrafinil (Olmifon)
Citation:   Robert. "No Noticable Effect: An Experience with Adrafinil (Olmifon) (exp36743)". Nov 12, 2004.

600 mg oral Adrafinil
I purchased Adrafinil (Olmifon) from a web site based in South Africa. The cost was about $30, and shipping took about 1 week. The packaging was plain, except for a label stating that the shipment constained 'supplements'. US customs posed no difficulty.

I purchased this rather than Modifinil (Provigil), because of the price, and because purportedly they have the same effect. Adrafinil is said to be harsher on one's liver, but it's still legal in France, so I figured it couldn't be too dangerous to use occasionally.

My hope was that Adrafinil would allow me to be more productive when I was not well rested. Upon first taking it (600 mg), I thought I was slightly more awake, but wasn't sure. Over the follow few weeks I ingested various doses every few days (always between 600 and 1200 mg). During this time I became increasing skeptical that the medication was having any effect on my degree of alertness. If it did, the affect was too minor to have been helpful; certainly it was less powerful than a hearty cup of coffee.

The only effect I am certain this chemical had was to make my urine smell strongly. The smell always subsided after I had stopped taking Adrifinil for a day or two.

In conclusion, I would not recommend Adrifinil, though the only significant side effect of all this was that I wasted a little money.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36743
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 12, 2004Views: 28,271
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Adrafinil (216) : General (1), Various (28)

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