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I Felt Like a Robot
Citation:   LiveAgain. "I Felt Like a Robot: An Experience with DXM (exp3679)". Mar 1, 2001.

  oral DXM (liquid)
I am writing this two days after my first experience with DXM. Monday i went to work as usual. The school nurse called and my little boy was sick so i went to get him and some medicine at the store. Well i been researching the DXM trip and had an afternoon to spare so i decided to go for it. I bought the cough syrup and after my son was tucked in, i downed the 4 oz bottle (around 1pm) and waited for something to happen. 2Pm nothing happening yet so i smoked a joint. 3Pm came and i definately felt something. I felt like a fucking robot. I was freaking out because i could tell i was tripping (my pupils were very dialated.)

My son woke up by now and he just thought i was sick like him. At this point i really did wish i was sick and not tripping like this. I go to the restroom. At this point i am now peaking. Thinking if i throw up i will get it out of my system i proceed to stick my fingers down my throat. No luck. I have to pick up my husband by six so i figured maybe i could sleep it off until then. No luck. I tossed and turned. No visuals or anything crazy i just felt like i was loosing my soul and turning into a robot. This continued until the next morning. I awoke and went to the restroom. I am still walking like a robot and feel not like me. At this point i am just ready for it to fucking end. Realizing i cannot go to work in this state i call in sick. First part of the day i sleep deep until about noon. Still feel the same. By now i am beginning to wonder if i will ever return to my normal state.

Well that day passed also and now it is wednesday. I came to work today but i still do not feel like myself yet. That shit was very scary. I have done alot of drugs in my life but none that made me feel like that. I will never to that again. Simply as that.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3679
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2001Views: 6,104
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DXM (22) : Difficult Experiences (5), Various (28)

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