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The Canvas of the Infinite
Citation:   eggbert. "The Canvas of the Infinite: An Experience with LSD (exp36841)". May 9, 2019.

T+ 0:00
.5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 0:30 .5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 4:00 3 tablets sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 5:00 .5 g smoked Cannabis (plant material)
T+ 0:00 .5g Smoked Marijuana
T+ 0:30 .5g Smoked Marijuana
T+ 4:00 3 units sublingually LSD
T+ 5:00 .5g Smoked Marijuana
Medications: None

I had the evening off at one point over the summer, so I decided to go camping with a few of my friends who were already doing so for the week. I drove down, and on the way smoked two bowls, one as soon as I left my house and one when I was almost at the campsite.

When I got there, I was hallucinating. I thought that there were two amish children standing at the far end of the parking lot, waiting to kill me when I left my car, so I ended up taking a golf club with me for protection. Also, the campsite sign said 'Umbrella Fantastic' as I entered, instead of 'Camp *****'. I walked to the campsite by myself, as it wasn't dark yet and I wasn't too disoriented, especially since I had been to this particular grounds many times before.

I met up with my friends, who nominated me to light the fire. Please take note that campfires and being well beyond stoned do not go hand in hand AT ALL, and I ended up with a few 2nd degree bruns on my hand as a result. I ended up giving the firelighting rights to another of my friends and I started telling stories - simple ones that I was familiar with, giving overly animated sound effects and being very outgoing and very loose in telling them. After my second story, I got up and went to stand by the water and watch the moon light up the night.

At this point I dropped three hits of medium-powered strip acid under my tongue and sat back to relax. There was a watersnake going over the water that was at least 6 feet long, something which was backed up by people around me who were sober.
About an hour later, I walked off into the woods, almost getting lost (although I didn't, thanks to the help of one of my sober friends), and I smoked another bowl to help sooth the pain of the burns on my hand, and then lay down on my sleeping bag in the canvas tent that the group was sleeping in.

As soon as I lay down, I could feel the LSD kick in. The music coming from my friend's headphones became louder and I felt as if my soul was struggling to dig in his direction to hear the music better. Soon enough, I could hear it all, and it blended with the crickets and the birds and the wind in the trees and for a few moments I could hear everything around me in perfect detail.
The canvas tent roof above me, a standard army green, began to subtley swirl and reverberate, swaying with the music.
I began to see rose-shaped fractals woven into the dull fabric of the tent, and I could see the weave as more than just the way the cloth had been made - it swirled and spun and linked every fiber together to make a protectorate roofing.

As the fractals and interwoven shapes got stronger and more apparent I began to close my eyes. I began to float, and I could not feel any of my weight acting upon the surface I was lying on. I was weightless. And then I fell asleep.
I slept on my back, which is very very rare for me, and I did not wake at all, which is good seeing as I commonly do.
I dreamed very little that night, seeing only vast black expanses lit by strange glowing shapes, floating around me like electrons in orbit. This went on for infinity, and the only remarkable things about the dreams were that I could feel and perceive everything around me as if I was one hundred percent sober and straightfaced, and also that my mind did not process any thoughts other than those concerning the absolute beauty of the expanse around me.

When I woke up I felt as if I was cleansed, and although my burns had turned to blisters, I could not feel any pain from them. After getting up and packing my stuff relatively quickly, I said goodbye to my friends, and drove home to eat a 'real' breakfast.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 36841
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 9, 2019Views: 610
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