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The Voice of a Friend's Shadow
by jrw
Citation:   jrw. "The Voice of a Friend's Shadow: An Experience with Cannabis (exp3726)". Dec 25, 2001.

0.5 g smoked Cannabis
Last night I decided to go and get me some hashish so I called a friend and he told me that I could meet him in 15 minutes. He had a friend with him, a guy that I'd met a few times earlier and he asked me if I wanted to smoke some of his GREAT shit. I said sure! Why not?! So I bought my hashish and started puffing on this other guys pot. The pot had been totaly soaked in hashishoils and perhaps something else (don't really know the guy) and I got more stoned than ever ever before!! I've smoked pot almost every day for the past month and I've been stoned pretty much all day so I was cought a little bit of guard because I never thought that it would kick in so hard!

After just a few minutes a felt happy, a bit disoriented and didn't really feel that much connection to reality but I still talked a lot (a lot!).

I left the guy I bought from and his friend and headed home to my 'smoking crew' but I missed the bus so I decided to walk to the next bus stop. When I started walking all sounds started to morph into voices calling me. It really bugged me out so I tried to find a more peaceful place but I never really found a place that was peaceful enough. A while later the altered sounds started to resemble the voices of a few different friends and actually started to get pissed because I didn't answere when he and she called on me. I said to myself: hey man! you're just so fucking stoned! totaly ignoring the voices. The voice started to be the voice of a female friend of mine all the time and she was sooo pissed and started yelling and stuff. I found it so annoying that I actually started to reply. I walked around for about 1½ to two hours really stoned talking to her. Sometimes I almost saw her and always felt her presense.

Among the wierdest things I said to the shadowvoice was: Hey! You can't talk to me like this! It's not possible! So If you don't explain to me how and why you're talking to me like this I just wont reply! got it?! However the voices just wouldn't give me a break so I started to get really pissed on the voice and started calling her a fat fucking bitch and told her that I never wanted to see her again ever! Something that I shouldn't have done because the voice started to give me hallucinations, just shadows at first but later on I saw my friend in the back of cars passing by and in corners and stuff. I even felt a miniature version of my friend crawling up on my leg.. really wierd anyway..

The voice started to shut up after a few hours and I smoked some hashish instead.


Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3726
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 25, 2001Views: 2,036
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Alone (16)

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