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Daily Regimen
Hydergine & Piracetam
Citation:   Dr. Hector P.. "Daily Regimen: An Experience with Hydergine & Piracetam (exp37335)". Oct 12, 2004.

1.0 mg oral Ergoloid mesylates  
  1600 mg oral Piracetam (daily)
I have taken Hydergine for more than 10 years with a few breaks of 1 month or more for various reasons. Going off Hydergine left me with a noticeable deficit in retention and recall of learned information. It takes about a week of a daily regime of 1mg in the morning and 1mg in the evening sublingually. One word of caution, Hydergine has been linked to plaque build up on a valve in the heart. This is a very rare condition. Talk to a medical professional if you are concerned about this. Another draw back is that Hydergine is quite expensive.

About 8 years ago I added Nootropil to my daily regime. When first starting or starting over after a break of a week or more I'd need to take an “attack dose” of 5000-6000 mg. Nootropil has no has no LD (lethal dose) and has no know side effects at very high dosage.

I discovered that if I take 2 mg Hydergine with Nootropil at the suggested dosage 2 x 800 mg morning and evening (3200 mg daily) that I lost the ability to take what my mind was thinking and easily put it into words. I did several experiments and this is definitely a real effect.

Nootropil is much less expensive than Hydergine and I found that if I cut my daily intake of Nootropil down to 800mg twice a day that I could get maximum benefit from Hydergine with no side effects at 1 mg every other day.

My recall and ability to articulate complex concepts is greatly improved while on Hydergine and Nootropil. I can truly tell the difference when I stop taking them.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37335
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 12, 2004Views: 37,040
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Ergoloid mesylates (163), Piracetam (95) : Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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