Self Medicating For Social Situations
Citation:   Deebo. "Self Medicating For Social Situations: An Experience with Cocaine (exp37409)". Jan 19, 2018.

I'm here to defend the use of coke as a recreational drug. So many people write reports of how coke ruined their life and how they became horribly addicted. Here is my experience, I hope it will enlighten some.

I grew up as a social outcast. I was always the smallest boy in my class as I peaked at about 5'6'. I never asked any girls out that I was really attracted to, only the small dumpy nice ones who didn't do anything for me sexually. Then, my first year of college I met my best friend who changed my life. He introduced me to coke and how it could completely turn your life around. The first time I did any was about 5 years ago and since then I have had an incredible boost in my self esteem and self confidence. At first I would do some lines and go out and meet women and make friends, homies, girlfriends, and just have a great time. I was personable and finally truly enjoying my life. After a while I just toned my use down until I would only use it very rarely when my homies wanted to party or if my girl felt like it. Occasionally once a week, occasionally not for months at a time.

Now, I knew that cocaine could be addictive and I could not just abuse it to my hearts content. I do occasionally have to fight cravings and be strong. However, I believe any intelligent person can use coke occasionally and not fall into a pit of despair. I am a college graduate and am in complete control of my use. I only use it when I want, when I have time, and when I have the money. Coke never controls when I use it, only I do. Coke is a great drug to use with your friends, feel great for the night, and go on with your life the next day. As long as you are smart, strong, and have good smart friends, one can use coke recreationaly and still live a great life.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 37409
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2018Views: 1,113
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Cocaine (13) : Various (28), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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