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Walls Moving, Patterns Scrolling
Citation:   exmormon. "Walls Moving, Patterns Scrolling: An Experience with Zolpidem (exp37529)". Nov 6, 2007.

10 mg oral Pharms - Zolpidem (pill / tablet)
I was perscribed ambien to help me sleep. Frankly, I think that Ambien can be very scary sometimes, so I make sure not to take it if I am leaving the house. Sometimes I cant fall asleep or I get distracted and forget to fall asleep on it. this can be caused by the ambien, as I will explain. The disconnected feeling comes on QUICK. Were talking 10-15 minutes. I certainly dont chew them because they taste like shit and the effect does not change. I just swallow them. The effect is like watching a slow motion movie that can switch to fast forward instantly. I loose my inhibitions. I cry a great deal easier. I end up bearing my soul to my wife, saying things that are in my heart that I normally wouldnt say. I told her things that I really needed to say to her so in a way I am so glad for this drug. Its like a truth serum.

It can also get me into a lot of fucking trouble. My friends called me once after 2-3 hours after I took 10 Mg and I was babbling like a lunatic. Keep in mind that I had fallen asleep, which I have noticed severely alters my conscienceness. They knew I was out of my fucking gourd, and this was bad because I was a very strong Mormon at the time. They reminded me of it later and I was like 'What the hell are you guys talking about'? I had forgotten all about it, then I remembered details. Soon I remembered almost everything. This is one part I dont like about Ambien.

Ambien also has some really strange visual effects. If I stare at a wall long enough and I am in the right frame of mind, the wall begins to move and crawl. Looking down at the linoleum tile in my bathroom I watched the pattern march from top left to bottom right in flowing fashion. almost any pattern or even a textured surface can move and 'flow'. In short, its a usefull drug but BE FUCKING CAREFULL!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37529
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 6, 2007Views: 9,876
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Pharms - Zolpidem (143) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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