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Would Have Been a Shameful Death
Citation:   xylobit. "Would Have Been a Shameful Death: An Experience with Cocaine (exp37839)". Jan 17, 2020.

  repeated insufflated Cocaine (powder / crystals)
This was my first cocaine binge and if I can just remember the pain and fear I experienced, it is my last. A friend and I split for an 8-ball and we both concluded there was something seriously wrong with it. I snorted a gram over about 6 hrs. The first two lines, about 2.5cm each, instilled me with alertness but no euphoria. Half an hour I tried a bit more and began feeling unpleasantly 'edgy'. Picture an untuned tv showing that scrambling white noise. That is exactly how I felt.

I continued doing more and more despite steadily worsening symptoms. At first it was like a cold: running noise, sore throat, and headache. About 4 hrs in I began feeling a tightness in my chest and shortness of breath. My blood pressure must have been pretty high because I could feel each heart contraction vibrate throughout my chest. The discomfort increased along with overdose paranoia. I spent about 3 hrs laying as still as possible and trying to control my breathing. And yeah, praying.

Next day I dumped the rest. That was an expensive little vial of sickness and pain. Each time I crave it I try to remember every detail of the pain and fear. I could be pissed off that I got ripped off with bunk shit, or I can use the experience to stave off an addiction people die for. I think I may be very lucky that my first binge was a little taste of hell.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37839
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 17, 2020Views: 2,523
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Cocaine (13) : Difficult Experiences (5), What Was in That? (26), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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