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Use Caution
Ephedra, Caffeine & Kava
Citation:   Consciousness. "Use Caution: An Experience with Ephedra, Caffeine & Kava (exp3786)". Dec 26, 2001.

70 mg oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
  400 mg oral Caffeine (pill / tablet)
  400 mg oral Kava (pill / tablet)
The first effects of the ephedra kicked in at about 1 hr post-consumption. The first effects weren't that bad, and definintely served the purpose of waking up. At about 3 hours post-consumption, i could not sit still, and tremors somehow kicked in. Difficulty breathing kicked in quite harshly. also, a noticable rapid heart rate put me to the point of laying down so as not to over-work. Could not concentrate, and attempts to go to sleep at the usual 11:00 were futile. Layed down for about 1 hr, then got up and was noticeably disassociated. Also, short term memory lowered to about a standard LSD experience, as was the live-in-the-moment syndrome. Next, at about 5 hrs post-consumption, the experience peaked. Heart beat was that of a small monkey. Felt like getting up and dancing, but realized that doing so would probably cause a stroke. Couldn't stand music or loud TV volume. Also, lack of any attention span caused me to just turn the lights out and lay down. Had some kind of twisted drug-related dreams (probably not due to the fact that the ephedra was peaking). Slept at about 2 hours rate overall, still coming down from experience after 15 hours. coming down effects are about the equivalent to the peak effects of ritalin. Including, the ability to easily articulate thoughts and ideas, a much more pleasant experience on the downswing than about the massive effects of the whole peak of the ephedra experience. Not to say that i would never do ephedra again, but I would have to reccomend not taking caffeine with it, and take kava kava to lower the effects at the peak.

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 3786
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 26, 2001Views: 10,498
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Ephedrine (23) : Combinations (3), Unknown Context (20)

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