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The Day of and After
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Triton. "The Day of and After: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp37866)". Oct 3, 2007.

150 mg   MDMA
Main Info:
My friends and I (about 16) decited to take 'E' the day before halloween. It is currenty 2 days later and my body has taken a beating. I really found the experience enlighting and has taken me to a place that no one can experience unless they take the drug themselves. I made some life changes during the time that I took the drug, and it opened my friends and I to a totally new world. The effects that we felt or at least I felt was all inhibitions went out the window and I made out with quite a few girls. It was not a sexual but a sensual thing. Food tasted better, and I loved candy. OH MY GOD was candy great. One of my friends had a not so good trip and found himself scared. I don't think he was really ready for the experience. All I can say is that the fealing was great and I feel that I truly found myself during that time, but I do express warning to people that are not ready for the 'E'xperience.

My closest friend told me that our friendship will never change and that we have become closer from what has happened, I truly beleive this and I think that anyone who does MDMA should try to keep the feeling that you had from now on, and I feel that I don't ever need to do another drug, let alone do MDMA again.

Positive Effects:
Euphoria, all inhibitions thrown out the window, kissing felt great, candy was awesome, and finding myself, try to keep the feeling that I had from now on inside of me.

Negative Effects:
Day after back pain, and time is slowed almost to a hault. I did not want to stand at all, but rather sit all day long.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37866
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2007Views: 5,605
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MDMA (3) : Hangover / Days After (46), First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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