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Halloween Escapade Leads to Belligerence
by Nemo
Citation:   Nemo. "Halloween Escapade Leads to Belligerence: An Experience with Alcohol (exp37879)". Nov 29, 2006.

  repeated oral Alcohol (liquid)
Every year on Halloween I do the candy thing; being 20 however the idea sounded a little stale this time, so I decided it was finally time to do the party thing instead.

I met up with my friend J at about 1 pm; we drove in his car out to the depths of whatever Portland, Oregon has of a ghetto and to the place of our other friend S where he waits with his girl and his buddy T. S had a gallon of Monarch rum which we mixed into two 2-liter containers of Coke; S also sold me a 60 bag of pot in two installments, an eight bag ($40) of good quality and 20 of really high quality shit. We hang at S's moms apartment smoking bowls until it gets a little darker, mischief requires cover of course. J at this point reveals that he's shitfaced on pills, a few percocet and some valium if I remember correctly, and that he (wisely) has decided to refrain from drinking; as it is he's the designated driver.

As darkness descends, we head out, driving somewhere to some party and guzzling our coke and rum as we went. Most of the night went like this: drink a shitload, wander around and find a party to crash, go to the party and smoke a bowl with whoever seemed cool or knew us, leave, repeat. Things get blurry around 5pm, but most of the time I wasn't even looking at a clock. We took T home before it got dark because he got bored and wanted to go get laid; which was nice because there was more booze for us and besides, J's car is VERY small. At some point we decided to do some trick or treating, mostly out of bordom because we couldn't find any Bush signs to mess with. The last thing I can really remember was being at some of S's friends' house where he and his girl wound up sleeping; S handed me the remains of the second bottle and I took a huge guzzle from it.

Up until this point I was pretty smashed, but still lucid. I lose my ability to articulate myself pretty fast when I drink, so I was slurring a good bit, but not unbalanced in walking and certainly not in a memory black out. That last bit must have sent me over the edge though, I remember nothing of the ride back to my place with J or even coming home. I remember a little bit of being in the house, I noticed the trash sitting around (it's my job to take out the trash on Sundays), and I know I microwaved something. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning still fully dressed, but in bed, and wondering how the hell it all ended; this is where it gets funny.

When I asked my mom if she seen or heard me the previous night (keep in mind up until now that I had no recollection of talking to or seeing anybody when I got home) she told me my sister had talked to me, and had warned her against it (this set me to wondering). She said my dad made some remark about me being 'unsteady' as I went down the stairs but nothing else, I had to wait for my sister to come home from school to hear the juicy part.

According to my sister; she and her friend came home from some shindig at around 11:30 pm, when they went inside her room they found trash spilled all over the floor. She came into my room where I was emptying my own trash and *nicely* informed me I had spilled trash in her room, to which I turned and yelled at her 'I don't want confrontation!'. I then followed her into her room and stood by the door with the bag gaping open just looking at her while she picked up all this crap that I had spilled, when she asked me for some help I bellowed 'Just show me where it goes!'. I didn't even notice her friend, who was extremely confused, and apparently I didn't notice anyone else either unless they made their presence specifically known. The weird part is the way my sister described me: I was walking very straight and upright as opposed to typical slouching drunk posture, I wasn't stumbling unless I was walking on stairs (though I would lean against walls or doors for support and couldn't stand still without wavering), and I had a paralyzed, crazy look on my face.

I still haven't put together the pieces on why I would have behaved like that; I've never EVER been a belligerent or loud drunk, I just can't talk or walk most of the time, and if I drink a lot at once I tend to pass out for several hours at a time during which I am COMPLETELY unresponsive and unrousable. I think because I remained active throughout the night it prevented me from passing out, so instead I slipped into some limbic operating state where I was oblivious to what was actually happening, and responded to unknown crap that was going on in my own head. That's the only logical conclusion I can think of, because that type of behavior is completely out of character for me.

The one good thing out of all of it though? No hangover!

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 37879
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2006Views: 9,353
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Alcohol (61) : General (1), Various (28)

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