Not Opium, but What?
Red Rock Opium
by Rumi
Citation:   Rumi. "Not Opium, but What?: An Experience with Red Rock Opium (exp3806)". Feb 6, 2001.

  smoked Red Rock (powder / crystals)
Originally searching for hashish, I was instead offered opium. Knowing that opium is black or brown I contested the authenticity of this dark red solid covered in red powder. Regardless I would try it. The first time was with low grade marijuana in a glass pipe. The effects were strictly cannabis. I doubted the red rock at that point and was planning vengence. Conversely, the next experience - same cannabis, same pipe - was eventfull to say the least. The rock was not crushed and simply placed upon the cannabis. Immediately after smoking I entered my car to return home. It was night time. Soon - approximately 2 minutes - my perception darkened and I realized quickly that I was in no shape to drive, but proceeded anyway. Driving on a road I cover every day I couldn't recognize where I was. I would see (hallucinate) a person running across the street. This seemed real to the point that I reacted accordingly and hit the brakes. Then I was convinced that I was driving in the opposite direction. The road was well lit, yet I was having great difficutly seeing the objects surrounding me and the road. I feared I would crash.

I returned home - I can't remember the details of how - and layed down. I was suffering from visual impairment. I began listening on my discman to URB vol. 1. Strangely the only track I could listen to was Goldie's Innercity. I attempted to listen to some of the others but was forced to return to Goldie. The music sounded different; I could hear sounds I hadn't recoginized before. The singer's voice had me hypnotized. This was a euphoric feeling. I had lost my anxiety over the strange new feeling and was now at ease enjoying the sound. Remembering a friend's story of how opium helped him have intense sex for hours, I decided to masturbate. When I finally ejaculated the feeling was too intense. My body reacted as having experienced an attempted resuscitation with shock pads. I felt my consciousness hover above where I was laying. Then I was enveloped by a black hole. Everything darken and I felt asleep, yet fully conscious. Throughout this experience I believed I might have been dying. I did not fight, just passively accepted. Suddenly I awoke and had reason to believe that only 10 minutes had passed.

Indeed this was a frightning experience. I am now aware of red rock not being an opiate, but have not an explanation for my experience.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 3806
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 6, 2001Views: 13,650
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