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First Use, Not Last
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Becky. "First Use, Not Last: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp38075)". Jul 24, 2007.

1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
I titled this 'First Use, Not Last' because I had a wonderful first experience with ecstasy, or MDMA. I was at a rave, with a few of my college friends. I hadn't planned on taking it, but when we got there I figured, what the hell, you only live once. Plus I had heard that it was a usually pleasant drug, not to mention that my college friends had done it and recommended it to me.

Anyway, at the rave, I bought the MDMA from someone I didn't know (stupid, I know). I held off taking it for about 2 hours because I wanted to be totally ready. The rave started at 9, so we're looking at eleven o'clock. Once I took the pill, I was anxious for the effects to come, so it seemed like forever. I first felt it kick in after about 1 hour and 30 minutes. What I first noticed when the effects began to kick in was that I was becoming more interested in my surroundings, and amazed at everything I saw. By this time, I wasn't 'rolling', but I was feeling detached from reality, a little bit.

Then I started to become intrigued by flashing or fast-moving lights. I had the state of mind that nothing mattered; only the lights flashing in front of me mattered. Then the rave got shut down, so my friends and I went to another friend's house, to hang out and enjoy the roll. On the way there, we got a little bit lost trying to follow someone, so I had to call my friend's cell phone to get directions. This is when the 'E' really kicked in. All of a sudden, I felt completely confused and unable to comprehend words being spoken. After about 10 minutes of that, I became euphoric and I had feelings of acceptance and uniqueness.

When we arrived at my friend's house, I was really rolling. One of my buds was rolling, and she had a flashing bike light and she lost it, so I became really concerned about her and I wanted to help her find it, because I truly 'loved her', at least this is what I kept saying to people when I was rolling. I was dazed, and confused, and detached from my world, and vaulted into another world I had never seen before. I was open and comfortable with people I had never met before, and I was so interested in what everyone had to say. I wanted hugs, I wanted to talk to others openly, cigarettes were easier to smoke, and more pleasant. People I would normally never feel comfortable being around without knowing them became such good friends of mine that I will never forget.

After about 2 hours, the most distinct effects began to decrease, but I still felt high. My eyes were twitching and rolling back into my head, and my jaw was clenched on anything I could find. I didn't feel the need to eat or drink anything, although I made sure to drink enough water. When I was rolling, my eyes were relaxed, glassy, and my pupils were extremely dilated. Hardly a millimeter of iris (color) remained visible when my pupils were that dilated.

When coming down, I still felt euphoric and amazed by lights, but I didn't 'love' people as much as I had been saying all night. I calmed down, relaxed, and went into a daze. My body became very heavy and my neck wanted to give out. My eyes were rolling heavily into my head by now, which was at about 2 or 3 in the morning. When we left my friend's house, I felt very sad and I did not want to leave. People I met that same night were the nicest and most beautiful people I have ever met. On the ride home, my eyes were really bad, and my head was moving around and around. I did not feel tired; just exhausted. At about 5:15, we got back to the place where I was staying, and we went to bed.

Woke up at about 9:30, after sleeping for about 3.5 hours, because I fell asleep at about 6. I felt confused, but still able to appear normal and function normally. I felt fully energized after only 3.5 hours of sleep. I went to my apartment at around 10:30, at which time I took a shower and it was the most amazing shower I have ever taken. I felt each drop of liquid as it hit my body. All of my senses were more enhanced. I also had a blank stare, as if I were not listening to someone, but merely looking at them. The blank stare lasted for about 10 hours after that. The sense enhancement lasted for about 5 hours following that.

The only bad thing about it was the fact that I was confused and 'stupid' for days afterward. I would suddenly forget where I was after feeling normal for a day or two. I was loud and obnoxious without knowing it. Also, the loss of appetite continued for a week or so following the dose.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38075
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 24, 2007Views: 8,133
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Large Group (10+) (19)

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