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Gardens Are So Good
by sam
Citation:   sam. "Gardens Are So Good: An Experience with MDMA (exp38272)". Feb 14, 2020.

.66 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
Swamp cypress, deodar cedar, sequoias, green grass/moss and finally coloured flowers; these did it for me. Rewind a week and I'm picking up two pills from a good friend of mine at school, one which was only 2/3 because he had railed some off it.

I had mainly been a weed user until now and was ecsited to try mdma, so I went up to our family's place in the Blue Mnts, 2 hours west of Sydney (I'm a very lucky person in this way) to give it a try. I was 'bushwalking' at the time with just the dog and I and I took the 2/3 pill around 3pm.

Having read abit and talked to people, I was expecting a stimulating feeling or a rush of energy at some point (which occurred after 20 min. But I realised was just psych ) and was surpised to find a lack of this. After 45 min I suddenly stopped walking and looked at a moss covered tree in the forest - at this point things were feeling slightly different as I felt a breeze of optimism hit me.

I then had to change my discman from the crazy fast stuff I was listenning to (aphex twin's Drukqs and venetian snares) to something more slow and happy (boards of canada) because the speed and complexity of it was too much (this is unlike me) but after an hour even this was too much as I suddenly felt nothing but happy.

With no music, walking the dog I suddenly emerged from the australian forest out into the gardens. I felt like nothing could make me sad, but I still felt no apparent energy. So I went to walk around the garden of some family friends in the area(a beautiful garden)and started something that I'll always remember. I now realised what people meant by 'euphoria' as I slowly made my way around their colourful garden. I could never imagine this place looking so amazing, but it was.

After an hour and fifteen I met the man responsible for creating the garden and naturally I was abit scared to talk to him but before I knew it I was enthusiastically going on about everything. I had a long, joyful conversation that wouldnt end until I felt guilty that I was taking up too much of his time. In fact I could remember every plant and tree name with no effort.

When I finally left 45min later(2h after dropping) I wandered off in a very happy state, imagining what it must be like being my dog...And so we sat down together for a 5 minute cuddle. This is the strange part; I felt an even stronger sense of inertia than I do with heaps of pot and was happy to sit there for an extra 5 minutes before heading back home to a nice dinner.

I couldn't help feeling that what I was on was something very sacred that is ridiculed by so many people in the city (media) and abused by too many ravers. As I would like this happiness more, I really think ill save my next e for a special occasion.

It altogether lasted for about 5 hours and despite being a very depressed person I felt no such ' comedown '. The following trees trees have inspired me for life : cedrus deodara , taxodium distichum , sequoiadendron giganteum , metasequoia glyptostroboides - it will be well worth the effort!


Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38272
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 14, 2020Views: 728
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Nature / Outdoors (23), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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