Easing the Anxiety Symptoms
Citation:   DumbLuck. "Easing the Anxiety Symptoms: An Experience with 2C-E (exp38318)". Erowid.org. Mar 5, 2008. erowid.org/exp/38318

  insufflated 2C-E (powder / crystals)
First snow in Southern Colorado, prime time for an excursion. I hadn't planned to trip that day, but my excitement got the best of me. My experience on that night inspired me to share my 2C-E experiences. The details of the trip I had that night are far less useful to the average reader than the sum of all my experiences with the chemical so I will share those.

At the time I was on a daily dose of .5 mg or so a day of alprazolam and 180 mgs Kavalactones as a supplement (for a social anxiety disorder). I had recently been experimenting with the insufflation of 2C-E and how the method of ingestion changed the experience. I decided to try out a new method I had devised to flout that nasty anxiety at the 'coming up' period of the trip.

I had ascertained in my previous experiments that the insufflation of 2C-E led to nearly immediate onset and a dramatic increase in physical symptoms, especially during the onset. It did however, cause a shorter overall experience (which was definetly a plus in my mind). I wanted to harness the undoubtable power of 2C-E without aggravating my already prevalent anxiety disorder.

During previous excursions involving phenethylamines (especially the 2C family), I had utilized the actions of certain CNS depressants to 'ease' the trip a bit and relieve my anxiety symptoms. I had found the best depressants to mix with the 2C's were benzos, and ethanol (my drink of choice was everclear because it is infinitely mixable and easy to titrate doses with). These for me, in combonation with 2C's, make for a more 'agreeable' trip and reduce the negative side effects while still allowing access to the thereapuetic part of the experience.

With 2C-E, however, I found that my experiences were plagued by an anxious overtone and an overall sense of frustration. It felt like my own inhibitions and fears were keeping me from experiencing the true power of 2C-E. Even at high doses of depressants (2mg+ Alprazolam... a VERY high dose for me) I still felt held back. After much experimentation by my 'partners in crime' and I, it was decided that the best method of ingestion for 2C-e was insufflating 5 mgs at a time every 15 minutes until the proper level is attained. In my case I usually tossed Everclear in the mix by drinking a mixed drink to combat the bitter drip of the 2C-E.

On average I would consume about 25-30 mgs(via insufflation) in a 2 hour or so period with the everclear. By the time I was done, the hallucinations and visual distortions were usually incapacitatinlgy intense. This provided for a very relaxed 4-6 hour experience. There is more than enough reports that describe the overall effects of oral 2C-E doses that I wont bother re-describing them here.

My experiences differed from oral 2C-E doses in that there was much less anxiety and the visual distortions were 'slowed down'. In my very isolated group of clandestine chemists, 2C-E has been nicknamed '2C-Everything.'

P.S. I almost forgot my input on 2C-E plus Cannabis.... My lord, what an awesome combo. I have had some 30+mg 2C-E experiences in which every individual hit of prime cannabis during my peak has lead to a different fantasy, color, world, etc... 2C-E has proved to me that there is a God, somewhere, maybe inside me, maybe inside the molecule, maybe somewhere in between..... :) Happy Trails

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38318
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 5, 2008Views: 8,088
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2C-E (137) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Alone (16)

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