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Feelings Went Out Of This World
Citation:   scotsman. "Feelings Went Out Of This World: An Experience with AMT (exp38333)". Oct 24, 2017.

35 mg oral AMT  
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
That was my first time trying AMT and I must say I enjoyed the one off experience. Took my dose at about 1.40pm and it never fully hit me for at least 2 hrs but when it did it really did hit me hard. Great feelings similar to the E they sold here years ago and freaky visuals, not heavy visuals but a bit mental.

I read online that if your doing AMT leave your weed with a friend because you'll smoke it all and man that's a true article, I smoked at least 10 joints probably more one after another but I enjoyed everyone. As I said the feelings were incredible, I know it's only a drug but those feelings were out of this world, I even managed to eat an Indian curry at 8.30pm, I didn't think I wanted it but when I tasted it I enjoyed.
It's a long hit, I'd say after 10 hrs I still felt my eyes rollin in there sockets, a feeling I enjoy on the few occasions it happens and yes I will take it again some time in the future.

Pretty rough come down but that's it. I take the good with the bad and today I feel slightly rough but not as rough as I would have been on speed, just a little tired.
Dble vision seemed to creep in a lot not that I minded that and I one point I was going to go visit a friend but decided not to.

All in all a drug I liked and I could see one would want it on a regular basis but for now the once is enough for me, well for the time being anyway.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38333
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 24, 2017Views: 1,134
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AMT (7) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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