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Scary Blackout Side Effect
Citation:   Lone Soldier. "Scary Blackout Side Effect: An Experience with MDMA (exp38343)". Nov 13, 2016.

  oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
This report is an attempt to detail a very disturbing effect that can occur while on MDMA.

Me and a few other friends head off to a New Years Eve party. We all have a single pill of MDMA. These tested clean with a standard kit and we trusted the source. Everyone is in agreement that these pills were of very high quality. One of my friends present had never taken MDMA before.

The night was pretty normal. Pretty chill scene, and most everyone seemed real layed back. There were some strangers present, and two of them in particular gave me a bad vibe. My first-timer friend was just loving life and acting like first-timers do. Until he started talking to the two strangers I had been avoiding.

It was a girl and her boyfriend, and the girl was extremely attractive and wearing a very skimpy top. Her boyfriend was watching from across the room. I could tell that my friend was buying it hook, line, and sinker. They were trying to con him for pills. When the girl realized he didn't have any more, she abruptly stood up and departed.

My friend followed her, apparently believing she was trying to seduce him and she wanted him to follow her. Needless to say, when her boyfriend realized there was no score, he became very angry about my buddies advances toward his girlfriend. It began as a simple verbal altercation, but as soon as the stranger raised his voice, my friend snapped. Complete psychotic break. It took 6 full grown men to pull my friend off the poor guy. He wasn't badly hurt and just looked like he wanted to leave. We pushed my friend out the door, and down a flight of apartment stairs into the freezing cold before he stopped struggling. My buddy is not a fighter. Not normally aggressive in the least.

He just sat down on the ground and stared up blankly at us. He would say that he was ok when asked, but just remained very still and staring at the ground. Everyone present started talking about what we were going to do about the whole mess when my previously catatonic friend asks what we are doing outside in the cold.

Conversation quickly revealed that he had absolutely no recollection of anything that had happened prior to his conversation with the girl. He didn't remember the fight, and didn't believe us when we recounted the story. His busted knuckles were the proof that finally convinced him that we were telling him the truth.

Since this incident, I have seen this type of 'blackout' occur several more times and have heard many similar stories from other circles. Always, something traumatic inspired the episode. Arguments, fights, the presentation of a firearm, a car accident, and a girly who was nearly raped. The last is the most disturbing. It seems that the MDMA experience can allow for the immediate repression of traumatic events, and that is scary.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38343
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 13, 2016Views: 2,029
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MDMA (3) : Club / Bar (25), Difficult Experiences (5), Second Hand Report (42)

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