Hey God, Can You Make the Picture Smaller?
Salvia divinorum (15x extract)
Citation:   Encatuse. "Hey God, Can You Make the Picture Smaller?: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (15x extract) (exp38546)". Erowid.org. Feb 26, 2008. erowid.org/exp/38546

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum
Below is my 'breakthrough experience' on salvia. I had tried salvia plain leaf, and it didn't do the trick. So Extract it was. I'll be writing this from my perspective. First Person. My thoughts and actions.

It was a lonely Wednesday night when I tried it. I loaded up my home-made bong with a one-hit-cashed load. I lit my micro-torch lighter. Inhale --- Hold. Simple enough. Anything? Not yet. So I loaded up another one-hit-cashed. Exhale. Light --- Inhale --- Hold. Yeah, I'm feeling it. Lightheadedness. This isn't very exciting. I'm sweating profusely. I feel like I just got out of a shower. I filled another one-hit-cashed bowl. This would be my last one. Exhale. Light --- Inhale --- Hold. And away I blew.

I was stuck like concrete to the couch. In a not so comfortable position I might add, as I was hitting a bong. The bong in my right hand, smoke still in my lungs. It felt like it had been forever. Maybe I didn't have to exhale. Maybe I would just keep it in until I passed out. Didn't feel like it mattered very much anymore. A body is just a body for christ's sake. I am so separate from it right now. I understand exactly where The Velvet Underground are coming from in the song 'Heroin'. I still haven't exhaled. It's only been about a decade though, so I should be fine.

I was somewhere where time doesn't matter. I was in a picture. I had to stay still. I had to hold my breath. If I let it out I'll disappoint someone. I don't know who, but someone. My eyes zoomed out. God is real. Wow. Hi God. I think you're somewhere around here. Or maybe you're everywhere like they used to say in Sunday school. I don't really know to be honest. Hey God, can I exhale? I think my chest is going to implode. I don't want to be bothersome or anything.

--- Exhale. Great. Thanks. Next thing I know I'm in a ball-park, but I'm not in it, I'm part of it. I'm part of a postcard picture of a ballpark. My postcard is being held by a hand with a white glove on it. I think it might be God. I think I'm getting scared. I'm not really sure though. I think I have a stomach ache. Or maybe I can just feel my stomach. Who really cares right?

Damn. I'm so far away from my body right now and I can't stop realizing it. My stomach is somehow with me though. What the fuck is going on and who am I? Am I God? No. I'm part of God though aren't I? Yeah. I am part of everything. I can see myself holding hands and my eyes haven't blinked. I'm falling really fast but I like it. It's really nice to go this fast. I wonder if I'm in a convertible. That would make sense. I can't see anything anymore. I can just feel everything.

Religion is a controversy for what reason? To satisfy the oddballs who need something to gripe about. Hey, God. Are you there still? Well I don't actually know if you were ever there, or even if you ever will be, but I need to ask you a favor. Are you listening? I need you to make the picture a little smaller okay? My eyes aren't that big. I wonder if the size of your eyes control how much you can see. Well, if not, maybe it's positional. If so go ahead and just put my eyes in a more convenient location okay? I really like seeing everything all at once like this.

Fuck. If everything is black does that mean my eyes are closed? I can't tell. Maybe I can. No, I don't want to try. I never want to just see my tunnel vision again. I don't want to question my beliefs anymore. Maybe I'm on heroin. Naw, I don't think I'd ever do heroin. What's heroin feel like? Surely not this. I'm on something I'm pretty sure. I have to be. Otherwise why can't my eyes open?

Oh yeah. ---rip--- Yeah. I'm back. Wow, and I thought salvia was a short trip. That took for-fucking-ever. Oh well, worth ever minute. Wait, holy shit. I took it at 10:00 and it's only 10:19? Amazing.

I've done salvia many times since this and have had trips just as powerful as this one, though none near as religious. I always feel as if I'm part of a big picture though.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38546
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 26, 2008Views: 4,688
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