An Incredible Change in Perspective
Citation:   Brett. "An Incredible Change in Perspective: An Experience with Cannabis (exp38561)". May 1, 2020.

4 hits smoked Cannabis
It was a nice fall day during thanksgiving vacation of my senior year. One of my friends who was home from college said he had some incredible stuff and wanted me to try it. Now both of us had smoked some weed before, but it was maybe a once-a-month thing last year, and I hadn't smoked for about two months this year, so I decided to smoke the stuff. My parents were home, and had gone to bed about 30 minutes before, so we went into my room and exhaled through the open window.

Usually it takes me about 6 or so hits taken in one session for me to feel it, but this time, it hit me quickly and hard. After my second hit, I began to feel the familiar but peculiar sensation of being outside myself. I took four hits and he was finished as well and we quietly went out to the living room to watch tv. I popped in a promo dvd from an extremely conservative christian university and we sat and watched it and (of course) laughed uncontrollably. This was fun, but I like my rather infrequent marijuana experiences to be productive, and this one soon turned out to be. My mind and body were both soon totally relaxed and I saw aspects of myself that it's hard to put into words, although I still see them. Memories floated back seemingly from nowhere. When I closed my eyes, it was like I saw a musical about my life playing in my head. Everything about the way I acted seemed to make sense.

About 2 hours into the 'trip', the high was still there, but less intense and trippy and more light and relaxed. The good thing about this was that all paranoia I had had was gone so I put on some Miles Davis and we sat and talked about different topics for awhile until we drifted off nicely to sleep. Upon awakening in the morning, I felt totally refreshed, even though I had had only about 5 hours of sleep. I felt like the experience had given me a positive new perspective on my life. I was able to view myself and my thinking processes objectively and thus learned much new valuable information. This, I think, is the purpose marijuana should be used for...I can't really see how people view it as a party drug. Although it's mildly fun, it's nowhere near alcohol as far as pure feel-good joy goes. Marijuana should be used with respect for the herb and for yourself.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38561
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2020Views: 771
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Cannabis (1) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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