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Bad Crazyness and Bad Gas!
DXM with Guaifenesin & Pseudoephedrine
Citation:   Gauifenesin Hater. "Bad Crazyness and Bad Gas!: An Experience with DXM with Guaifenesin & Pseudoephedrine (exp38592)". Jan 30, 2008.

260 ml oral DXM (liquid)
I have robo tripped before and had some really wild times (good and bad) but this last trip was just plain stupid, irresponsible, and painful. I decided that I should take some tussin for my aching muscles that night, but the tussin had Gauifenesin in it (Robitussin CF I think).

The trip went great at first. Music sounded very soothing, body felt wonderful, etc etc. Then I went to bed. Well, before that, I went under the covers and looked into the darkness, catching glimpses of minor hallucinations. Then as I tried to drift off to sleep, my stomach expanded 3 times in size. The Gauifenesin had kicked in. The pain soon followed. I found that when I farted, I would deflate and feel better. So this made for a very disgusting, but yes I'll admit, funny night.

I looked at the clock and it said 4:30 as I went to the bathroom, which was a very interesting and disorientating journey in itself. When I returned to bed, I saw my body still sleeping. This was the dissociative effect in full swing. I thought, ha, look at that sack of farting crap just lying there. I couldn't stop laughing at this. After letting a huge one rip, my stomach deflated down to normal size, and I felt good again. Trying to ignore the smell, I looked at my clock, and it now read 12:30! All of this had taken place in one hour, but the clock had read 4:30 before. I drifted off to sleep. Next day I felt slightly buzzed and calm/spacey in church.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 38592
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 30, 2008Views: 12,693
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DXM (22) : General (1), Health Problems (27), Alone (16)

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